Little chat

438 18 6

Warning : Torture and murder

Y/n POV:

After telling Nellie my story, i somehow feel a little better than before, but the fact that Sweeney doesn't, makes me feel like I have some sort of a heavy burden. He told me his story, and yet I shut him out of mine.

Then again, Nellie told me the majority of it so I guess that's where the burden lays. Him not getting a say in telling his side, but I do.

Maybe one day I'll tell him, maybe.
For now, I'm preparing for the night, preparing to find Jack Wendall....and kill him. After a little talk with him of course.
I plan to find him and trick him to coming back to the bakery with me for some fun, like hell......
After I get him down there....that's when the fun begins.

Nellie is waiting for me in the bakery while I finish getting ready, making sure to wear my veil whilst walking around. I apply some rouge to my lips to bring out some colour to my pale face, in attempt to lure Jack. I feel sick with the thought of trying to seduce him, but if it gets me what I want, then I know I will feel so, so much better in the end.

I exist my room, but when i turn to close my door, Sweeney comes out of his room as well. We both freeze and stare at each other, he has a blank stare like he's tired, like he hasn't slept. I look away and lock my door in the process, not wanting to look at him, feels too awkward right now and I just want to leave.

"Where you off too?" The sudden question makes me freeze in my tracks, stuns me that he would ask me at such a random moment.
I don't look at him still, I don't want to. Remembering how he spoke to me earlier and the look he gave me, made me pissed, he had no reason to be angry with me, no reason to question me.  I understand his anger, I relate to it in a way....

"Out. To clear my head." I respond, my tone calm. I continue to walk down the hallway, but I hear Sweeney follow behind, great. I walk faster wanting to be away from him. "Rather late for that isn't it?" He's not questioning, merely stating and I chuckle with how he's saying it.

"The night calms me" i say. He hums in response and finally we make it to the bakery. There Nellie cleans up the final bits of mess and sees us both walk in.

"Well, I guess we can call it a night then?" Nellie asks. We both agreed not to involve Sweeney in this matter for the time being, just for now. I don't know exactly when I plan to tell him. But for now, I need to do this alone......sorta...

"Guess so.." I say, placing my hands in my pockets.
"Well, goodnight to you both. Tomorrow, we'll have to figure out a plan for Pirelli" Nellie says before disappearing into the living room, leaving me and Sweeney in the bakery.

I don't bother waiting, I'm already heading for the door, but I'm stopped.
"No bloody hands this time" Sweeney calls outs. I can't tell if he's being sarcastic or serious, so I turn to face him and I can barely see his expression with how dark it's gotten.
"No....maybe a black eye this time" i make my sarcasm loud and clear, before opening the door and leaving him there, heading out to the streets of London once again.

Sweeney's POV:

I watch y/n leave for a few seconds, until she disappears round a corner and down an alley. I take the time to grab my coat from underneath the table and wear it.
"Going after her are we?" I turn to see Mrs Lovett leaning by the door, arms crossed.
"Yes." No need to lie, ever since finding out of her knowledge of knowing Turpin and how she reacted, I decided to follow Nellie to her room earlier. I listened in on their conversation, learning bits and pieces of y/n's past, but behind the door, I barely heard much.

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