Back from the dead

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Jesus, you guys are a freaky bunch 🤣

Y/n PoV

I wake up and feel like there's a big bear laying next to me, with arms wrapped around me tightly, I'm surprised I can even breathe. But the scent of Sweeney, the bear, is comforting me. As well as his bare skin that heats me up, I heat up even more at the realisation that we're both still fully naked, and the memory of last night.

We had sex.
I gave him my virginity and I feel different. Like I'm new or something. It's hard to explain, but one thing is definite. And that is, losing your virginity can be an exciting experience, which involves a little bit of pain and excitement.
The things that we did, I never even thought about ever and I feel a little embarrassed of the memory of me and the noises i was making.

I couldn't exactly help it, especially when he had his tongue on my cunt, and then his dick inside me. The feelings were so intense and extreme, I came close to passing out. Which I kinda did in the end. I was so exhausted afterwards, I couldn't keep my eyes open, and I think Sweeney was the same.

He immediately fell asleep beside me. But not before kissing my forehead and scooping me up to hold throughout the night.
I too was far too exhausted to stay awake. And so I slept in his arms. Feeling safe.

The sun shines through my broken window and gives me the sigh that it's time to get up. Nellie will be wondering where we are—-
Oh shit!
We got here around mid afternoon and slept overnight in here.

What if Nellie saw us laying together last night? Or Toby?
Oh for fucks sake...

I try to wiggle out of Sweeneys arms, hoping by some miracle he'll let go. He's so strong it's kinda scary. The fact that this man can easily break my neck if he wanted too.
But I wouldn't let him. I'd slice his neck open if he ever tried to lay hands on me like that.

I manage to twist my body around so that I'm facing away from him, but with his arms still around me.
This fucker is still awake I know it. Otherwise, he wouldn't be holding onto me to tightly.
"Let go ya bastard" I struggle and I hear him chuckle behind me. The chuckle low and gravelly, meaning he's only just woken now and possibly due to my wiggling.

"Cmon.....cmon..." I say grabbing his arms and trying to lift them up. But to no avail.
This man is caging me inside right now and making it impossible for me to escape. It's not like I want to leave his side, because I really don't. But I also really don't want to be caught like this.

"Sweeney" I let out a wheeze and he lets me go just an inch, allowing me to breathe some oxygen.
I sigh and take a few breathes and I can't help but feel him slowly bringing my body against his once more and I make a face that clearly shows. Are you kidding me right now.......

"Stay" he whispers against my ear. His low gravelly voice sends a shiver down my neck and I try to shake the thought of him being naked behind me away. Because it be so easy just to take him. And for him to take me.

"We can't. Nellie or Toby might find us like this" I protest, now turning to face him. His eyes remain closed and his features are soft, no wrinkles showing.....barely.
I lift my hand to stroke a finger in his cheekbone and he hums in appreciation. His skin is soft and pale. Like snow if you'd ask me, and he is a cold man.

"Cmon. Up." I begin to poke the side of his temple, causing him to open his eyes lazily. He looks at me like he's irritated by the poking. Yet amused. And I find it quite funny, making it hard not to smirk a little.

"Get. Up. Get. Up." I poke on the stops at my words and he slowly blinks at me.
I stop and leave the tip on my finger digging in his temple and little and stare at him blankly. But I've come to the conclusion....that he won't budge.
"Are you a child?" He asks and I frown at him.

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