New arrangements

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To say I nearly shit myself was an understatement. I tried my best to be quiet when taken the window down, but when Nellie came knocking on my door, I slipped and manage to break it apart. How I did that.....I ain't got a fucking clue.

But as soon as I did and Nellie starting banging the door harder, I just ran. Cutting myself in a few places from the sharp edges. But I just had to get away quickly, I needed to find out exactly where judge Turpin lived today. After seeing him in person after all these years, something snapped in me and with Sweeney and Nellie blocking my chance, I just couldn't hold it in anymore.

So right now I'm currently running down the streets of London once again, only this time, I'm hurt and bleeding quite badly in a few places. But they not that bad, I'll live. I just I'm not caught any time soon.

I come to a stop by an alleyway, just for me to catch my breath. Nellie and Sweeney must be looking for me right now and I can't imagine how angry they must be. But then again, I don't think they truly understood how angry I was when I wanted to kill Turpin then and there. They just shut me out. Screw them...

I try to calm down and figure out a way to find out where exactly Turpin is, which is a problem because I don't have the faintest idea. I just know which direction he took and that was it.

Okay okay, let's think. He's rich, and there aren't many rich places in London. So, he can't exactly be far, considering he walked to the bakery, and I don't remember seeing any carriage near by, so it would make sense that he's close by.

After a few deep breaths, and trying to think, I hear footsteps coming my way and I quickly duck behind a wall, making sure I'm completely hidden.  Thinking that Sweeney or Nellie must've found me.
I listen in and I hear mumbling, but it seems to be coming from one voice; I don't hear any other. So I wait for the person to walk by, hoping they won't see me but just as they come into view, the back of my foot hits a glass bottle. Fuck me....

The person freezes and looks directly my way, just for me to grab them and force them against a wall, away from plain sight. They're surprisingly light, so I'm assuming it's a young person.

"Please please! I didn't do anything!" A young man's voice pleads out and it takes me a few seconds to register his face.
I scrunch my eyes to get a better look at him and I'm shocked to recognise the young lad. Long blonde hair, with a baby face. I know this lad, he's the same one who came running after judge Turpin.  What was his name......?

"Anthony?" I whisper and he freezes and looks at me puzzled, freezing in place.
"Have we met?" He asks. I reduce my grip and replies.
"No....I work at the bakery with Mrs Lovett and Mr Todd. We haven't had the chance to get acquainted yet"
"Well uh...I don't think this is the best way to introduce yourselves" he looks down motioning between us and I let him go feeling silly.
"Ah, sorry. I thought you was someone else" I rub my neck.

He brushes his coat and looks both sides of the alley.
"Who?" He questions.
I shake my head, "no one".

I get ready to walk away,  but he begins to follows after.
"So you know Mr Todd?".
I nod and sigh, looking at the cloud of breath leaving my mouth.
"Yeah. We sort of work together"
"Ah then you must know of him I presume?". I'm not sure exactly what he means, but clearly he's referring to his past. But I won't go into detail of what I know, mainly because I doubt Sweeney told this young lad much.

"Yeah. Yeah I do" I continue to walk down the brick road, and he continues to follow after me.
"It's terrible. Losing your wife and child. Can't imagine what he's going through" he mumbles, both to me and himself. And I can't help but feel a little irritated at his comment.
"You'd be surprised Anthony. Sweeney isn't the only one in the world to lose someone" i reply and he's quick to respond.
"Oh course not. People lose someone everyday. I mean, I lost my parents at a very young age, so I can understand the pain of loss"

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