Nott's heirloom

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The following morning Hermione woke up to the warm rays of sun. She rubbed her eyes. Her attention caught a piece of paper on her nightstand. She lifted it up and squinted her sleepy eyes at it. 'I'm sorry, I can't make it today. Will check on you asap. T.'

She dropped her arm down on the bed. It was a nice gesture from Theo. She hadn't expected his attendance every day anyway.

She glanced at the clock. Nine am. She sighed and went to the bathroom. She avoided her reflection in the mirror and went straight to the shower. She stood under the hot stream for almost 45 minutes. Then she brushed her teeth, changed into the white linen summer dress and tied up her hair with her wand. She put on a flat sandals and sprayed herself with a light perfume.

"Tinky" she whispered. Her voice was still too weak, but the small elf appeared anyway.

"Good morning miss." Tinky bowed "Miss called?"

Hermione smiled and nodded. "Is your master around?" She whispered.

Tinky shook her head "Master'd left two hours ago, miss."

Hermione smiled again. She was glad that Malfoy wasn't at the manor. She didn't want to spend another day in her room.

The witch walked to the kitchen and took a breakfast sandwich from the elves. Then she strolled around the gardens to absorb the energy from the fresh air and summer sun. The August was almost over, but the sun was still strong and warm.

Before lunch Hermione headed to the small drawing room and sat down behind the piano. She hadn't practised for a while and it showed. After a few attempts to play the most basic notes, Tinky interrupted the witch with her squeaky voice. "Your guests arrived, miss."

Hermione raised her eyebrow. Her guests? She hadn't invited anyone for lunch and Theo didn't have time today. Her head snapped at the direction of two female voices. She recognised Pansy's black fringe and sun kissed face immediately. The second woman was slightly taller with a long blonde hair and pink lipstick.

Hermione waved at Pansy and Daphne and smiled.

"Hermione, darling," Pansy greeted the witch with a hug, "I hope we didn't startled you. Draco stopped by this morning and told me, that you could use some women's company."

Hermione cocked a brow at her. It didn't sound like Malfoy at all. Pansy's gaze dropped at her neck. She widened her eyes, but didn't mention it. "I'm sure you remember my friend Daphne from school." Pansy gestured towards her companion, still staring at Hermione's purple skin.

Hermione nodded and shook Daphne's hand. Daphne smiled and tried not to stare at the bruise, unlike her friend. "Glad to see you again." She spoke with a silky voice. She wore beautiful navy summer dress with silver accessories. Both witches looked absolutely stunning.

During the lunch Hermione listened to their friendly chitchatting. She added a few words here and there, but her weak voice was almost inaudible.

After lunch they made their way to the gardens. "Blaise invited me to the Christmas ball." Daphne brushed through her long hair with her fingers.

"Already? It's four months away. Isn't he a little impatient?" Pansy scoffed at her friend and Daphne frowned.

"I think that it's cute." Hermione whispered.

Daphne pointed her finger at her. "Thank you Hermione. You see Pansy," she turned to her friend, "not everyone is such a cold hearted bitch like you." They all laughed.

"I'm just saying that it's a little bit soon for this kind of invitation. He could have asked you out on a date this month." Pansy sipped from her glass of wine.

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