Theo's plan

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A two hours and a shameful amount of drinks later, Hermione, Blaise and Theo were still occupying the small drawing room. The good mood was flowing around them.

"Granger" Blaise hiccuped "how come" another hiccup "that Draco is still alive?" Hiccup "if I" hiccup "if I were you, Draco would be finished and I" Blaise pointed at his chest "would have my magic back. I would do anything."

Hermione frowned at him. "It's not that easy you know? Killing someone in his own house and without your magic. Moreover when it's someone like Malfoy."

"Why?" Theo asked. He was sitting at the same couch as Hermione. He had her legs on his lap and were drawing a small circles on her skin with his thumb. "Is he too hot to be killed?"

Hermione chuckled. "No, well...yes, but no. God. He is annoyingly hot, isn't he?"

"Definitely." Theo grinned at her.

"Anyway" Hermione waved her hand. "What I mean is...wait, what were we talking about? Oh yes, about killing Malfoy. So basically what I mean is, that he is too goddamn hard to kill. I don't have any weapon, but a few kitchen knives and empty gun. So what would you do in my shoes?"

"I would" hiccup "simply strangled him with my own hands." Blaise pretended strangling an imaginary man.

"Don't be a fool Blaise. She has such a small hands. Draco's throat is thicker than her waist." Theo interrupted Blaise's little performance.

"That's exactly what I meant, thanks Theo." Hermione reached her glass in Theo's direction.

"You're welcome, love. No, you must trick him."

"Well...I don't know how. Don't forget that I'm a Gryffindor. Honesty and fair play is my second name." Hermione wasn't sure if she had the necessary skills to accomplish such a thing.

"I think that you should seduce him." Theo suggested with straight face.

Hermione spat her drink back into her glass. "What?"

Theo shrugged. "You heard me."

"Are you insane, Theo?" she scoffed at him.

"No, no" Blaise interrupted their conversation with a raised finger and another hiccup. "I will not listen to your crazy plan how to kill our best friend, Theodore.. I'm sorry, but now it's too much. It's not fun anymore." Blaise stood up. He lost his balance and reached for the chair to steady himself. "We shouldn't be actually helping her. I thought that we were just fooling around." Hiccup.

"We are fooling around Blaise." Theo waved his hand at his friend and rolled his eyes.

Blaise nodded. "Alright. I believe you. Now if you'll excuse me" hiccup "I'm going to bed." He made his way to the fireplace with a few stumbles and threw a handful of Floo powder in it. "Zabini villa." Then he stumbled inside and disappeared in the green flames.

"I think that he doesn't believe, that you were just joking. I must admit, you sounded very sincere." Hermione stared at the empty fireplace.

"I wasn't joking."

She snapped her head in his direction. He looked deadly serious.

"Pardon?" She winked a few times.

"I think that you should seduce Draco and kill him when he's vulnerable." He slowly repeated his idea like she was retarded.

She stared at him like he was a madman.

"Granger, when a woman has a man wrapped around her finger, the man would do anything for her. He would even die for her. And Draco isn't a exception."

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