Shattered glass

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"If you have a death wish, you can just ask me. I will make it quick for you, Granger." Malfoy pulled out a cigarette and lit it up in his mouth. When he slowly exhaled his first drag he looked at Hermione. She was lying with her palms turned up and her feet were out of the bed so the blood dripped down on the carpet. Her lip was cut as well from the slap she received earlier. Dolohov must had hit her with a ring.

"Tinky" Malfoy whispered and the small elf appeared with a quiet pop. "Bring the Essence of Dittany and some bandages." Tinky nodded and disappeared.

Malfoy took another drag and sat down on the bed next to her. He left the cigarette in his mouth and softly grabbed one of her hands. She didn't look at him at all.

"I have to take out all of the pieces of glass from your wounds. It can be painful." He proceeded with the cigarette between his lips.

She simply nodded. The adrenaline were slowly leaving her body and the pain was more sharp with each moment.

Malfoy took out his wand and started pulling out the shards with a spell. The one hand took him about two minutes. With every slightly bigger piece Hermione hissed in pain. In the meantime Tinky brought the needed supplies and left again.

After he was done with her hands he grabbed one of her legs and placed it on top of his lap. His hands on her thigh and calf were nicely warm and Hermione felt a pull inside her stomach. He started working on the knee. "Would you be so kind and took out the cigarette from my mouth? I don't want to burn your leg." He asked and bowed his head so she could reach it. She lifted herself on the elbows and took the cigarette between her fingers. She laid back on the bed and took a drag from the cigarette herself.
Malfoy cocked a brow at her. "I didn't know you smoked?"

"Sometimes I do." She said and blew a few rings of smoke from her mouth. She could taste his minty lips from the cigarette butt. She licked her lips and closed her eyes.

Malfoy watched her closely. "I must admit, that the scene, which you caused after the dinner, was kinda hot."

That was unexpected. She tried to pull her leg from his lap, but he squeezed it tightly. She lifted her head and looked at him with confusion. He smiled. "I'm just saying, that it's nice to see you attacking someone else instead of me." She dropped her head back on the pillow and took another drag. The cigarette was almost done.

After he finished taking the shards from her knees, he applied the Dittany on the cuts and put a bandages around her hands and knees.

When he reached for her feet he scrunched his nose. "For gods sake, Granger. Your feet are dirty as hell."

She chuckled and he casted a few cleaning spells on her feet before he started pulling out the glass. It was definitely more painful than the other places.

After ten minutes he applied the Dittany and wrapped bandages around her feet as well. "Done."

"Thanks, Malfoy. You always take the best care of my injuries." She made a soft smile. "I have to go to the bathroom now, you can leave."

"You shouldn't be standing on your feet for the next several days. Some shards were too deep and they caused a lot of damage." He warned her.

"Well, I don't have any other choice, do I?" She put her feet on the ground and wanted to stand up, but a sharp pain wouldn't allow her to put any weight on the feet. She hissed, sat back on the bed and looked at him with desperation.

He rolled his eyes at her. "I told you so."

Hermione frowned. "What the hell am I supposed to do now? I can't crawl with my hands and knees injured as well."

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