Golden prisoner

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When Hermione woke up the next morning, Malfoy was already gone. She was relieved.
She called for Tinky and the elf appeared with a quiet pop. "Good morning miss."

"Morning Tinky, can you please help me to get to the bathroom?"

Tinky winked with her big eyes. "Miss shouldn't be standing on her own. Tinky will go for master."

"No, Tinky, please. I'm sure I can make it with your help." Hermione smiled at the small creature.

Tinky started twitching the hem of her pillowcase between the long fingers. "But master instructed, that..."

"Tinky" Hermione used a strict voice. "Your master surely has a more important business to attend to. I will go to that bloody bathroom with or without your help."

"Okay" Tinky was almost sobbing now at this point. "But if it will hurt miss, Tinky will go for her master."

"Thank you Tinky." Hermione felt bad for the way she snapped at the elf, but there was no other option.

She grabbed one of the column beside her bed and pulled herself up. A sharp pain cut through her feet, but she tried to hide it as much as possible. Tinky supported her with her tiny hands and Hermione started to limp towards the bathroom. She was steadying herself by the hand on the wall. Each step felt like someone was stabbing her with the glass again and again. She held back the tears. She didn't want to see Malfoy in her room again. It should be her safe space here in the manor and his presence wasn't welcome.

She limped her way over to the toilet and sat down. Tinky started her a bath and Hermione dismissed her.

She slowly limped towards the bath and undressed herself. She took off the bandages and slid in the bath. The hot water helped her to feel better. She washed her hair with a citrusy shampoo and relaxed, until the water became cold.

Getting out of the bath took a lot of strength. She was prying that she wouldn't slip on the wet surface.

She combed her hair and brushed her teeth. Then she gained the courage to limp her way towards the closet. She was halfway there when somebody knocked on the door. She held herself steady with one hand on the cupboard. "Yes?"

Theo's curly head peeked inside. His eyes flashed when he realised, that she was standing there with only a towel wrapped around her body. He quickly closed his eyes and turned around. "I'm sorry. I should have called that it's me." He chuckled. "I'm sure you expected Draco."

"Very funny Theodore." Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Should you be walking on your own?" He asked with his back turned to her.

"I'm fine. I'm taking it slowly." She started walking again. She hissed at particularly painful step.

"I can help you if you want."

She looked at the closet and then at her feet. The pain was getting worse and worse with each step. She sighed and swallowed her Gryffindor pride. "Alright. Can you please get me some clothes from the closet?"

He quickly walked towards the closed door. "What do you wanna wear?"

"I don't care. Something casual." She leaned against the cupboard in order to take of some of the pressure from her feet.

"What about this?" He took out a short summer dress with floral pattern. It was beautiful.

"I don't know. Isn't it too much...revealing?" She asked nervously. She wasn't used to wearing short dresses with straps.

Theo rolled his eyes. "Common Granger. We are trying to take care of you as much as we can. Give us something back in return."

Hermione frowned at his inappropriate comment. He was looking at her with the most innocent smile and puppy eyes. She sighed. "Fine, give it to me."

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