The Manor

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When the gates opened Hermione struggled to move. Could it all be just another nightmare? Another bad dream and if she'd wait long enough, she would wake up in her uncomfortable bed in the warehouse.

She watched Malfoy to walk through the gates towards the manor. He brushed her shoulder on his way. It all felt too real. Definitely not a dream. The manor looked exactly like she could remember it. Large grey walls, enormous windows, pointed roofs, all surrounded by vast gardens and woods. It was even scarier in the dim moonlight.

Malfoy turned in the middle of the driveway.  "Are you gonna stand there for the rest of your life? Don't worry, I'm not gonna bite you." He grinned and whispered just enough for her to hear him "unless you want me to."

She fought off the creepy feeling inside of her body and followed him. It took all of her remaining courage. Once they were inside Malfoy shook off his cloak and let it fall to the groud. It disappeared almost immediately and the wizard began climbing the stairs on his left.

Hermione peaked into the room on her right. The scar on her forearm started to itch. The scar which gave her Malfoy's crazy aunt. 'Mudblood'. Even though Bellatrix was dead, the nightmares about that day still haunted Hermione in her sleep.  About the day when she was tortured and scarred for the first time. She could feel a tight feeling wrapping around her stomach. She shivered at the traumatizing memory and looked away.

When they got to the first floor, Malfoy led her through the long corridor and turned left at the end of it. When they reached to the end of the second corridor, he opened the double wing doors and entered the room.

She hesitated in the doorway. It was a huge room with flamboyant furniture and huge windows. There were two doors on the walls. The furniture consisted of a large bed with sheer curtains, one chair behind the wooden desk, a cupboard on the opposite side of the room, and two armchairs with a coffee table in between. Everything in there looked solid and expensive. It gave an ancient vibe, but it didn't looked as worn out as at Hogwarts. The walls were painted white and there was a burgundy carpet under and around the bad. It was...unexpected.

"This will be your room. You'll be safe here." He gestured around. "Don't make me regret not throwing you in the dungeons." He made a pause and grinned at her again. "Although I know that you will."

"Now" he spoke again "please, don't bother me unless you come out with a solid plan how to kill me. I will provide you with one of the house elves to keep an eye on you and take care of your...needs. Only five people have direct access to the manor. Me, obviously, my mother, but she never use it, Blaise, Pansy Parkinson and Theodor Nott. I believe, that you know every one of them."

"And now me. I have the access to the manor as well now." Hermione added.

"Yes, but you don't have the access to the outside world."

The reality of his words hit her. Even though her prison cell looked like a princess suit from a fairytale, she was still a prisoner. His prisoner.

"Once a month a dinner with the Dark Lord and his closest is held at the manor. I advise you to stay in your room during that time. Otherwise you can move around here as much as you want."

She remembered Voldemort's words. If she'll kill Malfoy, she would be free. "Don't worry Malfoy, I won't be here for a long time."

Malfoy licked his upper teeth. He looked intimidating in the dim light. Towering over her, strong energy flowing around his body. His white features contrasting with his black robes. She could smell his strong scent. Smoke, mint, bergamot and dry blood. Something was strangely drawing her to him. "I wouldn't be so sure about it."

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