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Delilac: "Okay folks! It's Challenge time!"
Delilac: "The objective is to-"
Suddenly.. Hail.
Patrisha: "Hm? This seems to be Impossible, Since we appear to be on an island that bare tropical organisms like Palm trees, Therefore How can it be hailing if we are probably between the tropic of Capricorn and tropic of cancer."
Taylor: "So that's why it's so hot.."
Xavier: "Sorry to break it to you, But I'm the reason it's so hot, not nerd girl's speaking."
Ashley: "Shut up smart girl."
Delilac pulled out an umbrella, only for herself.
Delilac: "So our objective is- Ow- Is- -Ow -Is to cross this tightrope. -OW! your entire team must make it to win!"
Patrisha: "We're on one of the mountains, If we fall, WE DI-"
Delilac: "There's a big lake below, It'll be fine, Just walk back here."
Delilac: "Now- Ow! GO!"
Ashley ran to cross it but because of her heel boots, She fell and gripped onto the rope.
Ashley: "Help!"
Xavier came, Picked her up, carried her to the end.
Ashley: "Oh! Thanks."
Over at the start...
Jaime: "Hey.. uh.. Felix!-"
Felix: "What now?"
Jaime: "We should cross the rope.. Together!"
Felix: "Fine."
They crossed the tightrope together.. actually Felix just walked there while Jaime was carefully walking to the end.
Dusk had already been there since the past minute.
Ashley: "AH! HOLY ****"
Dusk: "What?"
Ashley: "Sorry. Didn't.. notice.. you.. there."
Jaime: "Felix?! I'm still on the tightrope!"
Felix: "Oops, Sooo sorryyy, I just forgot you existed."
Lots of crossings later..
Delilac: "Wow! Both teams won at the same time!

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