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Delilac: "Welcome team supreme to the Elimination sanctuary, Or the campfire! Tonight's safety item is a granola bar, If you get one, That means you're safe. Now let me look at the votes I received during the afternoon."
Delilac looked into the vote box, and flipped through each vote card.
Delilac put them back.
Delilac: "Okay! People getting a granola bar are.. Liz, Taylor, Patrisha, Xavier!"
Delilac: "Now.. It is down to Ashley and Jeffrey, The last person safe is.."
Delilac: "Ashley."
Ashley: "Yess.."
Delilac: "That means Jeffrey isSsSsS OUT!"
Jeffrey: "Aw man.."
Delilac: "Sorry dude, Must be embarrassing to be the first one eliminated."
Jeffrey: "It is."
Delilac: "Welll, Goodbye!"
Delilac: "We'll be sending you home by this.. somewhat expensive boat!"
Jeffrey got on.
Delilac: "Bye jeffrey!"
Jeffrey had been sent away.
Ashley: "Byee!"
Liz: "Bye!"
Xavier: "Goodbye,"
Delilac: "Wow! Tune in next time on Havoc Frenzy Adven!"

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