The teams

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(Author's note: Um the way of how they're gonna talk is gonna be in this style (Ex: [character]: "hi!") so yeah.)
No ones' POV.
Delilac: "Okay! It is time for your teams!!!.." Delilac said in thrilled tone.
Delilac: "So, I will be shooting everyone with these paintballs in this cannon-device," She said before showing the Cannon device, "There are two colors, Orange & Green, If you get hit by an orange paintball, You're on team A and if you get hit by a green paintball, You're on team B-"
Liz: "Are we gonna name our teams?"
Delilac: "Yes, Just not now, Be patient."
Delilac started to use the cannon device and Paintballs, Everyone was either, Not caring, Cooperative, Freaking out, or something else. And trust me, She had fun shooting them.
After that..
Delilac: "Okay! Let's see.."
Delilac: "On Team A! We have.. Patrisha, Jeffrey, Liz, Ashley, Taylor and Xavier!"
Delilac: "On Team B, We have... Jaime, Elijah, Felix, Dusk, Elliot, and Sarah!"
Delilac huddled everyone to their teams.
Delilac: "Now! Please get to now each other!"

Team A:
Ashley: "We know who'll be team leader right?"
Team A nodded.
Ashley, Patrisha and Xavier, In unison: "Me!"
Awkward Silence.
Everyone gave looks to each other.
Ashley: "Yeah no-"
Xavier: "It should be me, Since I'm the most handsome, It'll make us look good on international TV-"
Patrisha: "It should be me, Since I'm the Smartest, We can actually Strategize-"
Ashley: "It WILL be me, Since I'm Prettier And Smarter!"
Liz: "Well, Can't beat tha-"
Ashley, Patrisha, And Xavier: "Shut up Liz."
Liz: "Oh, Okie doks!"

Team B:
Jaime: "Guys, I'm being generous by willing to be leader."
Felix: "Why would we even need a leader?"
Jaime: "To bring some organization, Of course!"
Felix: "In that Case, That Leader role should be mine."
Jaime: "No-"
Felix: "I'll be the leader, And you Jaime, Will be my Assistant."
Sarah: "I love this team!"
Elijah: "O..kay sarah?"

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