Chapter 8: Trevor Belmont vs Death

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Trevor fell to the ground, seemingly transported elsewhere. Saint Germain laid off in a corner, the blade that Trevor had thrown to destroy the Rebis embedded in his chest. In his last moments, he saw the portal to hell begin to close - and the woman he loved inside it. 

'No!' Death screamed, and grabbing the key that Saint Germain had once possessed, Death consumed it, and his skeletal form burst into red and purple flames as he absorbed the power, screaming. Trevor groaned, and went to stand, limping to the edge of the precipice, where he looked over to see Alucard, Sypha and I. We looked up at him. 

'I love you!' Trevor called out to Sypha. 

'Trevor. I know.' 

'You better know! Just remember: Trefor is a terrible name.' Just then the ground beneath the three of us shifted and tilted, and we fell to the ground. Trevor turned and walked away from the three of us. 

'Brother!' I screamed, but whatever it was, whether it was the sound of everything hurtling around us or how far he was - Trevor didn't hear me. 

'Oi, Death,' Trevor growled, stalking towards the elemental spirit. 'I want a word with you.' 

'You know me?' the creature bearing the scythe asked, turning to the lone Belmont. 

'I'm Trevor Belmont of House Belmont. Of course I know you. Finding things and recognising things is what we do. And you are absolutely a thing.'

'I was put here at the dawn of life on Earth to feed on the last breath of every one of you fuckers,' Death replied flatly. 'I'm a little more than a thing.'

'No, you're only a thing. You're only an old killer. You don't make anything. You don't live. You just eat and hide.'

'Is there a point to this? Are you dictating your fucking obituary to me, Belmont?'

'It's time to give this place back to people who know how to build things,' Trevor spat, getting into a defensive position. 'You and me, we're just killers out of history. It's time for us to go.'

'And who's going to make me go? You, with your bit of string in your hand?'

'Probably not,' Trevor replied with a smile. 'But let's just give this one last go. Shall we?' He brandished his whip and launched into the fray for the last time. On and on the fight went, until Trevor was knocked to the ground, half his body hanging off a cliff. 

'Well, this is a good game,' Death mused, Trevor laying limp on the ground, his reserves spent. His grip slightly loosened on his whip, but then he grabbed it at the last moment and all but dragged himself to his feet wearily. Turning, he tried to take a step, and then promptly fell down again. 'Oh, he fell down,' Death taunted. Grunting, he crawled to his feet again. Death brandished his scythe. 'I'm going to eat your soul, shit it out, and use it to smother your fucking girlfriend to death. I am Death. You're just a human being.' The scythe fell upon Trevor, but he dodged it at the last moment, and swung his whip, hitting Death with heavenly fire. Again and again, he lashed out at the creature. Dropping his whip, he ran, igniting a blade on his belt with a blue stone, making it into a long knife as he jumped, intending to get close enough to Death to stab it. 

Leaping for Death, his blade pierced the skull of the skeletal creature. Death screamed, and the world shattered into a white light, ripples of power making their way over the land. 

The ending is coming very soon!! Stay tuned for a sneaky surprise in store for Alyx Belmont - and a bonus chapter featuring Trevor Belmont's descendant, Richter!!

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