Chapter 7: Final Stand

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Alucard, Greta and I ran down the hall, and seeing the monsters come upon the remaining fighters, followed by the giant two-legged monster, Alucard threw his sword into the large creature's mouth just as it was about to send a ball of flame towards us. The creature died instantly, bursting from the inside out. 

'Nice trick, but you threw away your sword,' Greta said. Alucard gave her a sly smile. 

'Well, I better go get it, then.' He ran for the remains of the creature, with Greta and I following suit to destroy the creatures. 

The hordes kept falling upon us, and many more were injured or killed. Alucard and I were pushed into a hallway by several night creatures, and they came down to strike us both, a familiar silver whip, blessed by all that was holy, lashed around us and struck down the night creatures, exploding them in a ball of flames. I saw Trevor and Sypha there in my peripheral vision, and my eyes blurred with grateful tears. 

'Evening,' Trevor grunted softly. 

'As if my day wasn't going badly enough,' Alucard said with a soft smile. 'It's Trevor Belmont.'

'You don't seem to be doing very well,' Sypha remarked. 'What are we looking at?' 

'Vampires and night creatures trying to kill a castle full of human refugees,' I said, 'and a madman upstairs.' Sypha readied her magic, Alucard steadied his blade, as did I, and Trevor removed his cloak, brandishing his weapons. 

'Shall we?' Trevor asked with a smile. And the four of us, brave as ever with all our cuts and scrapes, launched into the fray once more, the four of us fighting back-to-back to save the people - and ourselves. As the two last big monsters fell, we saw the two-legged creature rise again, its guts bleeding and ribs open and exposed. It sent a large shard of fire, but we dodged it, running for the creature to fully dispatch it once and for all. Sypha held back its flames, Alucard jumped from above to stab it after transforming into a beautiful white wolf, and Trevor and I used our whips (I had Trevor's old one) to sever the jaw of the creature. Then, huddling into a ball, Sypha covered us with a protective layer of ice, and the creature burst into flames. We all ran our separate ways, dispatching the remaining night creatures and vampires as we went. 

Greta and Alucard killed the very last of the night creatures as the people regrouped, and Sypha came down the steps, leading the other refugees. Trevor and I came towards them, the former of which was pulling spikes out of his arm. 

'Is that the last of them?' Sypha asked. 

'Bloody better be,' Greta growled. 

'Sypha, Trevor, this is Greta, headwoman of the nearest village,' Alucard said. 'These are her people.' Trevor pulled the last spike out of his arm. 

'How many did you lose?' he asked. 

'That's what I'm going to find out now.' She walked away, and Trevor nudged Alucard. 

'Nice to see you,' he said breathlessly. 

'I missed you so much, brother.' He shyly put an arm around me, grunting from what I supposed was the pain of his injuries. Then, I disengaged from him, pulling Sypha into a hug. 'I missed you terribly, Sypha.' She gave a breathless laugh and squeezed me tight. Pulling back shortly after, I looked at Alucard. 

'You said something about a madman upstairs?' Trevor asked, looking at me. I turned to Trevor, throwing my arms around him, sobbing grateful tears. 

'A little shit by the name of Saint Germain,' Alucard said menacingly, and turned around, beginning to stalk up the steps. The four of us ran for the familiar bedroom and paused in front of it to see several beings levitating above us, and it appeared that they were more than night creatures as they launched purple fire and rained shards of bones down upon us. Again, we went back-to-back, launching back into that beautiful symphony of death, all previous pain forgotten. 

Finally, after what seemed like hours, the mystical creatures who rained fire and bones upon us were vanquished, and that left the large vampire, hulking and tall, wearing samurai armour, to charge us. Sypha distracted him with her fire, while the three of us went in for the kill. After several more cuts, gashes and bruises, the final vampire was dead. Trevor groaned, being supported by Sypha, and I was vaguely aware that I had far too many injuries on me. Everything seemed to burn and sear like a thousand hot irons inside of me, and I limped with Alucard and the others to the familiar room. We went to go into the empty room, but punched up against a shield, seeing a tall, skeletal form standing with Saint Germain. 

'Oh my God, that is actually Death,' Trevor said, half in disbelief. 

'What, that's supposed to be the Grim Reaper himself?' Alucard asked. 

'That's what Death looks like?' Sypha asked, and her voice was full of terror. 

'No, no, Death. It's the name it took,' Trevor replied. 'It's like a vampire, only it feeds on whatever leaves us when we die. The family books called it an elemental spirit that disguises itself to serve power.' 

'We just saw an old vampire jump through the mirror,' Sypha said, now fully realising that the vampire they'd known as Varney in the ruins of Targovishte was actually Death. 

'There was no one else there,' Trevor added. 'That's him. He was probably part of Dracula's court. 'Stand back a bit.' Trevor tried to punch through the barrier with his whip, but with no success. Just then, two souls, one red and one blue, came through the portal to hell - and we heard a woman's scream. I looked at Alucard, and he was frozen to the spot in equal parts shock and terror. 

'I cannot stop this!' Dracula cried out from the body of the Rebis. 'Lisa!' 

'Are we alive?!' Lisa exclaimed. 'I think I recognise this room.' At the last moment, Trevor's whip, burning with holy fire, shattered through the magical barrier. Saint Germain turned to Death in terror, the Rebis still screaming, warring between the vampiric form of Dracula and the humanity of his wife, Lisa. 

'Oh my God,' Saint Germain mumbled. 'What have I done?' Suddenly, he moved the portal to behind the screaming Rebis. 'Belmont!' he cried out. 'Make yourself useful!' Trevor hurled one of his weapons, and it pierced the Rebis' chest, making Dracula and Lisa's fused souls cry out and separate, destroying the material body it was placed in. Alucard turned away, his grief too much to bear, and we all shielded ourselves as the room, and the roof and walls above it - was shattered into a million pieces, in a flash of searing purple light. 

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