Chapter 6: Night Falls

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As night fell, the hordes came, and the men of Danesti who were armed - most of them fell quickly. And they would have been devoured by the night creatures if Alucard, Greta and I had not arrived, swiftly dispatching the creatures with the touch of a killer. Archers that were stationed above fired on the vampires with their arrows, turning them all to blue flame. In the middle of the fight, Alucard and I were fighting back-to-back, wielding our swords in a precise, brutal symphony of blood and gore. Suddenly, a monstrous two-legged creature rose up, and when the archers shot at it, the creature released a ball of flame, devouring them in an instant. 

'Inside! Fall back!' Greta cried out, and as the remaining fighters ran inside, Alucard, Greta and I were the ones were still fighting off those of the creatures that had punched their way through a wall of flames and began to ascend the castle steps. Just as the castle doors were about to close, Greta made her way inside, and then I grabbed Alucard's belt, pulling him inside at the last moment. We stopped abruptly, making eye contact, and I shakily let go of his belt, stepping back as we surveyed the doors fully closing and locking, the bangs of the night creatures on the door beginning to slow. Alucard sheathed his sword. Just then a much louder bang started to rumble the castle doors, and Alucard turned to us. 

'It may be a good idea to drag as many heavy things over to this door as we can,' Alucard remarked, and rushed off. 

'And I want someone with a sword next to every archer at the windows,' Greta called out. 'And keep three steps back. 'I assume those fuckers can climb.'

'I should have thought of that,' Alucard said. 

'Well, lucky you have me here to run your life for you now. What's that?' Alucard and I followed her to one of the hallways, where we saw pink glowing things, like fireflies almost, dancing past, floating down the corridors to God knows where. I noticed the glowing runestone sitting in the wall and came over to it. 

'I'm not sure,' Alucard remarked, and we followed the glowing pink lights throughout the halls of the castle. We went up some steps, and he paused. 'Why here?' 

'What's here?' Greta asked, and we kept walking up the steps wordlessly, stopping in front of a room that I remembered all too well. Alucard paused, his eyes widening. 

'My childhood room.' We ran to the room, seeing Saint Germain standing there with a book in his hand. 

'Just stay back,' Saint Germain called out, his voice wavering slightly. 'It will be quicker and easier for everyone.' 

'What in hell are you doing?' I snarled. 

'I am opening a door into the Infinite Corridor.' 

'I think his mind has gone,' Greta remarked, coming up behind us. 

'The Infinite Corridor is a fairy tale,' Alucard said in disbelief. 

'It most certainly is not,' Saint Germain snapped. 'Young lady, the Infinite Corridor is a passage to other worlds. It is, however, very hard to control. I am truly sorry that the souls of your people are being sacrificed to the cause, but they would have died of rickets or angry badgers soon enough anyway.' 

'This is death magic,' Alucard said softly. 'You're using the energies of death to -' 

'To open the Corridor and direct a portal to hell. And I need this spot here, where I presume you killed your father, to anchor the connection.' 

'My father?' Alucard growled, his eyes blazing. 

'I'm bringing him back from hell. And your mother. You're welcome to stay and watch. You can wave if you like,' Saint Germain replied, with a wicked smile on his face. 

'I am going to fucking murder you!' he exclaimed, his fangs showing, eyes sparking with murderous intent. 

'Oh, I don't think so,' Saint Germain chided as Alucard tried to punch through the magical barrier. 'You see, in Lindenfeld I saw that a many-souled creature of magic can control the Infinite Corridor. I, Saint Germain, am going to pull Dracula and Lisa Tepes out of hell, fuse their souls together and lock them inside the body of a Rebis.' 

'Who's Rebis?' Greta asked. 

'It's a word for a hermaphrodite creature,' Alucard said, 'a body that is both man and woman.' He drew his sword, keeping his eyes fixed on Saint Germain. 

'The pinnacle of alchemy. An ultimate entity.' 

'Drop this shield,' Alucard said, getting into a defensive position, 'and I will let you live.'

'I can't control the Corridor while I'm in there,' the older man retorted. 'I'm not strong enough. But a many-souled creature... a fusion of vampire and human, even, that would be a mechanism to exert control over the Corridor. Vampire and human who were already closely bonded. It was obvious, really.' Alucard tried again and again, in vain, to punch through the magical barrier with his sword. 

'Why, man?!' Alucard exclaimed. 'What possible reason?'

'Two reasons,' Saint Germain replied. 'The woman I love is lost somewhere in the Infinite Corridor. And I am an alchemist. I seek the perfection of knowledge, the achievement of the great work, the magnum opus, which can be reached by the creation of the Rebis, the divine hermaphrodite, the fusion of male and female into an alchemical creature of perfect power and knowledge. And I can fucking ride it, Alucard. I create it. I bind it. I own it.' My eyes drifted to the twisted ring sitting on Saint Germain's hand. 'I will find my love. I will control the Infinite Corridor. I will have complete access to a million different worlds. Like God.' He clenched his fist, and the souls swirled around him. The banging from downstairs got louder, and Greta turned to us. 

'We can't stay here!' she cried out. 'The fight is downstairs.' She grabbed Alucard's arm, and he turned to leave. 

'Come, Alyx,' he replied in a soft rasp. I let him wordlessly grab my arm and we fled the room to find the fight waiting for us. 

'I once observed to Sypha Belnades that God had quite gone out of fashion,' Saint Germain spoke. 'God is now standing right in front of you. And soon, very, very soon... he's going to have sex again.' 

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