Chapter 2: We're Not Alone

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Alyx Belmont's POV

Sumi and Taka looked eagerly at the two limp dolls sitting on the table as Alucard stepped into the room, carrying four glasses, and a wine bottle. 

'Don't look at those,' he said softly. The two turned to him, as did I. 'Sumi. Taka,' he added, and the two nodded in turn, then he dipped his head to me. 'Alyx. I'm just getting used to saying names again.' He poured the glasses. 

'How long have you two been here on your own?' Taka asked. 

'Oh, years,' Alucard replied, taking a seat at the table, as did I. 'Or possibly a couple of months. So... you've seen the parlous condition of my new home.' 

'It wasn't what we expected,' Sumi admitted. 

'Well...' I said, leaning forward on the table, 'there was a small battle.' I gave the golden-eyed half-vampire next to me a soft smile. 

'It must have been a legendary battle,' Taka replied, also leaning forward. 

'Mostly just desperate and sad,' Alucard mused morosely, staring into his glass of red wine, so red it was almost like blood. 

'What exactly happened to the mechanism that moves the castle?' Sumi asked. 

'She melted it,' he said, gesturing to the doll that was supposed to be Sypha. I chuckled softly as Alucard took a deep breath. 'Never mind. So you were part of the court of this vampire you call Cho?' 

'Yes,' Sumi replied. 'In northern Japan. Far from anywhere. We all lived in her secret fortress. Trapped in her fortress.' 

'We were given to Cho's hidden court as children,' Taka said. 'It amused her to have a human honour guard. Not that she needed guarding. Sometimes, it was her pleasure to have us allow a hunter to pass through her ranks and into the court.' 

'This was how it was... every day. Some new horror. Some new punishment. Some new boastful exercise of her complete power over us. Every day was slavery. Every day was death. And we had to watch it all.' 

'Cho was ancient and arrogant. She had lived forever where no army could reach her. No superior power could end her. We just watched. And learned.' 

'We spent years studying how she lived... studying from her how she fought. We learned from her every victory. Memorized her every weakness. Our lives became nothing but the development of plans to end her.' 

'We read her books and listened to her legend and wished only for the chance to free our people from her teeth. And then she left. Summoned to Dracula's war court.' 

'We killed all her guards... and freed the people of the hidden court within days. But Cho was always going to come back. So we left to hunt her.' 

'Because if she returns to the court,' Taka said, 'it will begin all over again. If she's truly dead, then other vampires will eventually take her court over. And our freedom will mean nothing.' Sumi leaned forward slightly. I had my hand on Alucard's arm, as he stared sombrely at the table, as we both listened to their tale. 'We need a friend, Alucard... Alyx.' His eyes narrowed slightly, and he finished off the rest of his wine. 

'You need instruction,' he said softly. 'Perhaps one or two new weapons. Maybe learn a little magic?' A playful smile crossed his face. 

'Magic? Really?' 

'Magic,' he said, and his features softened again. 'What do we think?'

Out in the morning sunlight that bathed the small glen in a gentle glow, Alucard brandished his sword, standing in front of the twins, Sumi and Taka, as I leaned against a nearby tree, watching them practice. 

'Come,' Alucard said, bracing in a defensive position. 'Show me how you attack.' 

'I would, but you wouldn't let me have my bow,' Taka said, leaping forward to cross blades with Alucard, then leaping back. 

'Archers run out of arrows all the time,' Alucard replied. 'I want to see how good you are when it comes down to a blade.' Sumi smiled, and charged him, clashing her blade with his in a much more refined manner than Taka had. Still, Alucard easily outmanoeuvred the two of them. 

'Why is your sword so long?' Sumi complained. 'I can't get in close.'

'You want to get in close?' he said, with a sharp smile on his face, and Sumi charged him. Alucard let her get close, his golden eyes boring into hers, and then he hissed at her, his fangs showing. Taka charged him from behind, but Alucard was too quick, and dodged the incoming strike. 'Never let a vampire in close.' He knocked Sumi's sword out of her hand and pointed his blade at Taka. 'I'm half vampire. Half of me wants you to step in close enough for me to bite out your throat.' 

'That's why I have a bow and arrows!' Taka said with a smile, only for Sumi's knee to connect with Alucard. He growled out a "Hey!" but it was playful. 'Get him, Sumi!' Taka called out cheerfully, and the twins tackled Alucard to the ground soon after, the three of them laughing. It was the first time I'd ever heard Alucard laugh. Really laugh. The sound of it prickled my heart in a thousand places. Sumi flopped off of Alucard. 

'You have both just been eaten by vampires,' Alucard said flatly once the laughing died down. 

'No, we captured him and made him our slave,' Sumi said breathlessly. 'Make lunch now.' 

'But I do like that you've remembered how to still be human,' I said, walking up to the three, and Alucard's eyes caught mine. The twinkle of merriment was still there. 

'This human could eat lunch too,' Taka said, and Alucard chuckled again. 

'All right, fine. After which you're going to show me how you attack from a distance. I want to see what I have to work with here.' Sumi rolled on top of Alucard, wrapping her arms around his muscled upper body. 

'You're working with hungry people. Carry me to the castle and make lunch, slave,' she said, though the voice was not full of malice like I imagine her old vampire master's was. But the way she was holding him... it made my heart clench with jealousy. How free he felt with the twins - that could never be me. It would never be us. 

'And after that?' Taka asked, and Alucard stood, Sumi still hanging onto him. 

'After that, we'll see what's in the armoury that might suit you better. And then, we may talk about simple combat spellcasting. But first... I will magic you greedy children up some food.' Sumi and Taka chuckled, and the latter followed after Alucard, as the former was still currently attached to Alucard's back. I fought the tightness in my throat and the tears of envy pricking my eyes, and I followed mutely after the three. 

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