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The next morning was a Saturday Stanley woke up in Y/n's bed. He felt the covers and noticed he was alone in the bed.

"Hm...Y/n?" He whispered as he tried to open his eyes.

Stan sat up and rubbed his tired eyes when he lifted his arms he felt that his muscles were sore. He then remembered fighting Bowers. Stan looked over at Y/n nightstand he saw the rose that he had gotten for her in a glass cup with water he looked over to find a note written for him𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧.

Morning, sorry I had to leave I totally forgot I had a shift I'll be back soon!

~Love Y/n ♡

Stanley blushed as he looked at the handwritten note. He then recalled how he spent the night with Y/n in her bed. Stanley stood up to stretch he looked over at the clock, it read; 11:17 am.

'I have about an hour alone,' he thought as he shoved his hands in his pockets. He then looked at himself in the mirror and took off his shirt.

"Shit I'm covered in bruises," he muttered to himself. He took a closer look in the mirror.

'Does Y/n think I'm- good looking?' He thought to himself as he looked at his face. Stan ran his fingers through his curls and shook his head. He always had a problem with appearance. He didn't like how he was so scrawny and he absolutely hated his curls. 'She probably doesn't.' He thought to himself in a disappointed tone.

He then looked around Y/n's room. Curiously quickly took over Stanley. He soon found himself opening Y/n closet.

"What the hell am I doing?" He said as he was about to shut the doors. He slightly opened the doors. Just then he saw something that caught his attention.

Stanley opened the closet door to find canvases with different types of things painted on them, most of them were sceneries and flowers. He looked through Y/n's sketchbook to see delicate drawings of people. "Whoa," he said as he looked at the detailed drawings. He then found a picture of a little bird taking flight that was painted in watercolour his heart melted when he saw it. "These are beautiful," he whispered to himself.

Stanley looked behind him to make sure Y/n wasn't back, once he knew he was in the clear Stanley began to place everything back, he then walked over to the washroom to take another shower. His body was so sore he hoped that a cold shower would help. Stanley turned the knob of the showerhead and to a nice cool relaxing shower. With the water running he didn't even hear Y/n coming home.

"Stanley?" Y/n called out but there was no reply. Stanley soon finished his shower and began to dry himself with a towel. Y/n walked to her room to see if he was still sleeping but he wasn't there.

'He must have gone home,' Y/n thought to herself in a disappointing tone. 'I probably weirded him out I mean- who leaves a stranger in there house and writes them a note saying I'll be back later?!'

Y/n took out the clip that was holding her hair up. She walked over to the closet and pulled out a massive plain white dress that she usually wore after work shifts. She began to take off her uniform when all of a sudden Stanley walked into her room. He walked in to see Y/n getting undressed, as if they were frozen they stared at one another soon crawled in the familiar feeling of embarrassed.

Stan finally managed to slam the door shut. He paced back in forth as he ran his fingers through his curls in embarrassment. "Y/n, shit I'm sorry," Stanley said apologetically.

"I- thought you left!" Y/n said honestly. She slowly opened the door to see a pink-faced Stanley. He avoided her eyes. "No I just wanted to take a quick shower- I swear it was an accident I didn' mean-"

"It's okay," Y/n said shyly.

"Um so do you still want me to stay?" Stanley asked looking up at her.

"Of course...but if you don't want to I understand-"

"No no I'll stay," Stanley said smiling. "I wanna be with you." Y/n slightly blushed.
"I'm just gonna swing by home and pick up some clothes," Stan planned.

"Okay," Y/n said still blushing. "I'll walk you to the door."

Stanley mounted his bike as he gave a small smirk to Y/n.

"Hurry back," Y/n joked as she waited on the front doorsteps.

"I will."

ʟ ᴏ ꜱ ᴇ ʀ

Stanley parked his bike on the grass as ran up to his porch. He slowly opened the door and entered his house. "Hello?" He said hoping that he would be alone.


Stanley ran up the stairs to his room and grabbed his backpack. He then gathered some clothes and placed them in the bag. He then threw the bag on his back and raced down the steps, when all of a sudden a familiar voice called out to him.

"Stanley," his father said from the living room. Stanley turned his head in fear. "Here...now," his father said impatiently. Stanley crept to his father.

"The last time I checked my house isn't a hotel you can walk in and out of," Stanley's father said in a strict tone. "I haven't seen your face in the temple for a long time your Bar Mitzvah in a week and you still haven't practised your reading," he said disappointingly. "Someday you'll be the one reading out of our scrolls but instead your playing around with your friends," Stanley's father spat out.

"What happened to you? You have a cut on your face," He said as he examined Stanley's face.

"I fell off my bike...it's nothing," he said looking away from his father's eyes.

Stanley's father paused for a moment. "What's in your backpack?" He said tiredly.

"Nothing," Stanley whispered as he looked at his shoes.

"Knock it off what's in your bag?" He asked this time more demanding.

"Just an extra pair of clothes...I was hoping I could sleepover one more night," Stanley asked innocently.

"No, I need you here to practice what we preach," Stanley's father said as he walked away.

"But dad-"

"I said; no...end of discussion," he said still walking away.

"But I promised Y/n that I'd stay another night-" Stanley felt his own voice jump out of his throat. Stanley's father turned around slowly.

"You promised who? I thought you were sleeping at Bill's...you mean to tell me you've been sleeping around with some girl!" He said angrily. Stanley didn't know what to say he just stood there with his body tensed up. "My only son... sleeping around! Probably knocking her up!"

"No," Stanley whispered. "It's not like that."

Stanley's father stormed up to him he then raised his hand and slapped Stanley across the face. Stanley father stood there horrified of what he just did. He was known as a strick man but had never hurt his son before.

"Stanley... I-"

Just then Stanley burst through the door to his bike.

"Stanley, WAIT!" His father cried but Stanley had already started biking his heart put down the road.

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