To stop an evil once an for all

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Serenity POV

That was bloody amazing! I jump into the waters cause my sense were saying Harry was in danger i made a Vortex and appeared by the bridge

"So all coming our what?" I asked them they all flew while i swam

"So all coming our what?" I asked them they all flew while i swam

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once at London we entered the ministry

"This is it. Ninety-two. Ninety-three. Ninety-four. Ninety-five. He should be here."

"Harry. It's got your name on it."

The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches. And the Dark Lord shall mark him as his equal... but he shall have power the Dark Lord knows not. For neither can live while the other survives."


"Where's Sirius?"

"You know, you really should learn to tell the difference between dreams... and reality. You saw only what the Dark Lord wanted you to see. Now, hand me the prophecy."

"Malfoy." My eyes glow white

"If you do anything to us, I'll break it."

"He knows how to play." Then we saw her

"Itty, bitty baby. Potter. Dumbledore."

"Bellatrix Lestrange."

"Neville Longbottom, is it? How's Mum and Dad?'

'Better, now they're about to be avenged.'

"Now, let's everybody just calm down... shall we? All we want is that prophecy."

"Why did Voldemort need me to come and get this?"

"You dare speak his name? You filthy half-blood!"

"It's all right. He's just a curious lad, aren't you? Prophecies can only be retrieved by those about whom they are made. Which is lucky for you, really. Haven't you always wondered... what was the reason for the connection between you and the Dark Lord? Why he was unable to kill you... when you were just an infant? Don't you want to know the secret of your scar? All the answers are there, Potter, in your hand. All you have to do... is give it to me. Then I can show you everything."

"Harry don't." I placed my hand on his shoulder my aura glows aside

" I placed my hand on his shoulder my aura glows aside

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A watery witch of his heart (Harry Potter)Where stories live. Discover now