To help harry with the egg

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In the morning waking up in George arms last night was fairy tale come true i quickly got myself dressed but I might have accidentally bump into Fred who had woken up

"Next time use George's bed."

"Sorry Freddie but blame Georgie." and left but not before making a note leaving it on his desk and a kiss on his cheek i got back to my dorm shower then i go find harry who i found Cedric talking to Harry so walking over

"Harry there you are hi Cedric."

"Hello beauty i mean serenity." He blushed which i giggled quitely but turn to face Harry

"I think you need to come with me now." I take his hand

"Uh serenity where are we going."

"The matter the egg potter now let's go and also we need a bath." He blushed majorly once in the bath i jump in and swam up mermaid self

" He blushed majorly once in the bath i jump in and swam up mermaid self

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and all

"Well bring it over." He grabs it

"l'd try putting it in the water if l were you." I said along with someone else i look over and it's myrtle


"Hello Myrtle."

"Hello, Harry. Serenity. Long time no see. l was circling a blocked drain the other day . . . and could swear l saw a bit of Polyjuice Potion. Not being a bad boy again, are you, Harry? Oh and in the the bath with a girl no less." We blushed thankfully i had a sea bra on but then my mind wonder on what she said

"Polyjuice Potion?"

"Kicked the habit."

"Myrtle, did you and Serenity say, ''Try putting it in the water''?"

"That's what he did. The other boy . . . The handsome one . . . Cedric." i take the egg and open it under

"Well, go on." We go under and heard it

"Come seek us, Where our voices sound, We cannot sing, Above the ground An hour long you'll have to look To recover what we took." We pop up

"Myrtle. . . Serenity . . . There aren't merpeople in the Black Lake, are there?"

"Well besides me of course." I said honestly

"Very good. lt took Cedric ages to riddle it out. Almost all the bubbles were gone." And we left in normal clothes with Ron and Hermione

"Harry, tell me again."

''Come seek us where our voices sound.''

"The Black Lake, that's obvious."

''An hour long you'll have to look. ''

"Again, obvious. Though, admittedly, potentially problematic."

''Potentially problematic?" When's the last time you held your breath underwater for an hour, Hermione?"

"Look, Harry, we can do this. The three of us can figure it out."

"Hate to break up the skull session. Professor McGonagall wants you in her office. Not you, Potter, just Weasley Dumbledore and Granger."

"But, sir, the second task is only hours away, and--"

"Exactly. Presumably Potter is well prepared by now . . . and could do with a good night's sleep. Go. Now!" We leave.

A watery witch of his heart (Harry Potter)Where stories live. Discover now