First part of Tri-tornament

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I was with George who along with fred was placing bets

"George is this necessary?" We held hands

"George is this necessary?" We held hands

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"Well of course love i mean look." I sighed softly kissing his lips

"Your lucky i adore you."

"Mmm and i you love." We kissed again we go watch the stands i see im over Hermonie

"So have you both made it official yet." We held hands

"Well to confirm you, yes im dating George Weasley." She giggled then a cannon ball went off and it was time

"Cedric!" I cheered on he was a friend after now it was time for harry

"Three of our champions have now faced their dragons ...and so each one of them will proceed to the next task. And now our fourth and final contestant."

"Harry! Harry! Harry!" We chant when he came out that dragon was not going to be letting that egg let him near it which worried me

"Your wand, Harry! Your wand!" We screamed which he used fortunately he broom came to save him



"Oh, my God." I said in worried the dragon came loose


"Yeah! Well done, dragon!" It was flying after Harry we waited with anticipation until harry appeared

"Yes! Yes!" I screamed cheerfully clapping back at common room

"Yes, Harry!"

"Knew you wouldn't die. Lose a leg."

"Or an arm."

"Pack it in altogether?"



"Shush! Go on, Harry. What's the clue?"

"Who wants me to open it?"


"Do you want me to open it?"

"Yes!" When he did it was screech no one could bear but something about it was hypnotizing me

"What the bloody hell was that?"

"All right, everyone! Go back to your knitting. This is gonna be uncomfortable enough without all you nosy sods listening in." I leave back to my dorm but something about that egg and that screech was like a water chant speaking to me. In dining hall in the morning by Hermonie side

"Look at this! l can't believe it! She's done it again. ''Miss Granger, a plain but ambitious girl. . . . seems to be developing a taste for famous wizards. Her latest prey, sources report. . . . Is none other than the Bulgarian bonbon, Viktor Krum. No word yet on how Harry Potter's taking this latest emotional blow. ''

"I could spell her blind if you want." I asked her biting into my apple

"I don't want you to get in trouble very sweet though." She tells me

"Parcel for you, Mr. Weasley."

"Thank you, Nigel." He just stood there Starstruck at Harry

"Not now, Nigel. Later. Go on." When he leave

"What did you tell him?" I asked Ron with an eyebrow raised

"l told him l'd get him Harry's autograph."

"Your one for the books Weasley." I said honestly

"Oh, look, Mum's sent me something." When he opened it snd showed us i scoffed a laugh

"Mum sent me a dress."

"Well, it does match your eyes. ls there a bonnet?" I laughed

"Nose down, Harry. And it's not funny Serenity. Ginny, these must be for you."

"l'm not wearing that, it's ghastly."

"More like horrid." I said honestly

"What are you on about?"

"They're not for Ginny. They're for you." We laughed

"Dress robes."

"Dress robes? For what?" In class

"The Yule Ball . . . has been a tradition of the Triwizard Tournament. . . . since its inception. On Christmas Eve night, we and our guests . . . gather in the Great Hall . . . for a night of well-mannered frivolity. As representatives of the host school . . . l expect each and every one of you to put your best foot forward. And l mean this literally, because . . .the Yule Ball is, first and foremost. . . . a dance."

"A dance! Oh it be lovely to be attending." I said honestly

"You have luck i bet all boys would ask you." Said Hermione to me

"Hermione please." I joked giggling

"Silence! The house of Godric Gryffindor has commanded the respect . . .of the wizard world for nearly 1 0 centuries. l will not have you, in the course of a single evening, besmirching that name . . .by behaving like a babbling, bumbling band of baboons. Try saying that five times fast, huh? Now, to dance. . . is to let the body breathe. lnside every girl, a secret swan slumbers. . . longing to burst forth and take flight. Something's about to burst out of Eloise Midgen, but l don't think it's a swan. lnside every boy, a lordly lion prepared to prance."

George POV

Yulle ball i smirked having know a way to ask serenity to the dance

"Planning on something brother of mine?" Fred asked me quietly

"I need your help with asking a very special girl to the yule ball" I point out to serenity who is speaking with her friend Granger

"Ah yes your girlfriend." I nod

"Well of course my dear brother."

"Mr. Weasley." Our younger brother is called up


"Will you join me, please? Now, place your right hand on my waist."


"My waist. And extend your arm. Mr. Filch, if you please. One, two, three. One, two, three. One, two, three." We began to fake dance

"Never gonna let him forget this, are you?" Harry asked us



"Everybody come together. Boys, on your feet!"

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