Return to Hogwarts

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My grandfather Poseidon and I swam to Hogwarts together he wanted to spend time with me

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My grandfather Poseidon and I swam to Hogwarts together he wanted to spend time with me

"Are you excited dear?"

"More than ever I can't wait to see all my friends and study." I smiled with joy

"Is their any boy that's taken your eye."

"No...." I said lying my grandfather Poseidon and father are really super overprotective of me to the point where they don't want me to date until I'm 18 which it's unheard of for a girl of my age although I'm still young

"Well good you should focus on your study dear."

"I know." Hoping on to Hogwarts to my old self my grandfather Poseidon pops up and hugs me

"Farewell my dear."

"Farewell grandfather." And he swims off. In my dorm


"Serenity!" We hugged tightly

"Serenity!" We hugged tightly

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after i fixed my things

"Monie have you seen or heard from Harry or Ron."

"Not a clue but my best guess they got themselves in a jam."

"Wouldn't be the first time since we meet them."


"So any new stories to tell me about under sea." I sat on my bed

"Oh plentiful my grandfather Poseidon is soon to crown me princess of the sea."

"Really?!" Ginny sat by my side stunned

"Yes but till I'm a mature of age but still not yet father thinks im too still young."

"Well he has a right as your father."

"True i just hope nothing changes soon I become an under sea royalty."

"Nothing will change you still be you."

"Yes and ill be the first one from the under sea kingdom to be studying above water."

"None in your family has been in Hogwarts."

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