26: Lena Luthor x Reader (Fem) - Part 3

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The weekend arrived like a calm haven for Y/N. She sought refuge in the familiarity of her cozy apartment, her sanctuary after the whirlwind of her first week at L-Corp. The weariness that clung to her bones left her with little energy or inclination to venture outside. This weekend was about rest, rejuvenation, and finding comfort in the simplicity of her own space.

Lena, on the other hand, found herself in a contemplative state. While her skepticism regarding Y/N's trustworthiness lingered in the back of her mind, she couldn't deny the awe she felt for Y/N's capabilities. The tasks she'd assigned to her new assistant had been anything but typical for the role. The notion had started to germinate that Y/N's skills and composure were potentially wasted in a traditional assistant's position. Lena pondered the idea of promoting Y/N to a more prominent role within the company, a position that could harness her talents to help navigate the company's complex challenges, much like Sam's role as CFO.

Lena's admiration didn't stop at Y/N's professional skills. She was in awe of how Y/N had managed an overwhelming workload without ever complaining or pushing back. While others might have voiced their discontent or struggled, Y/N had faced every challenge with unwavering dedication.

However, what lingered most in Lena's mind was Y/N's uncanny ability to conceal her exhaustion. Regardless of how taxing her tasks or demanding Lena's instructions, Y/N's warm smile had never wavered. This simple but profound gesture conveyed a message to Lena, one that spoke of loyalty, trust, and a shared commitment. The smile said, "I've got your back," and that reassurance had a powerful impact on Lena.

As Lena delved deeper into her thoughts, she knew that she was at a crossroads, about to make a decision that would define her working relationship with Y/N. Her reflections were complex, but the choice she would make would not only affect Y/N; it would also shape the future of L-Corp.


As the second week at L-Corp began, Lena decided to ease up slightly on Y/N, testing the waters to see if she would let her guard down. It was part of Lena's ongoing assessment of Y/N's trustworthiness. She had yet to fully trust her new assistant and was looking for any signs of vulnerability or mistakes that might confirm her doubts.

For Y/N, the second week at work felt somewhat more manageable. Lena's demeanor was less hostile compared to the challenging first week. It was a relief to experience a more accommodating boss. During this time, Y/N couldn't help but observe certain details about Lena. These details might seem minor to others, but to Y/N, they appeared significant.

Among her observations, Y/N couldn't help but notice that, apart from Sam, Kara seemed to be one of the few people Lena was genuinely friendly with. Her assessment had been spot-on. Y/N had also discovered that the federal agent, Alex Danvers, who had conducted her interview, was Kara's sister. The pieces fell into place - Kara, as a close friend of Lena's, must have wanted to ensure her friend's safety. To that end, she had enlisted her sister, Alex, to investigate Y/N's background and assess any potential threats.

Y/N couldn't help but smile internally at the bond she had uncovered between Lena and Kara, understanding the depth of their friendship. It added a layer of complexity to her understanding of the people in Lena's life.

Y/N's observations extended beyond Lena's relationships and delved into her work habits. It became evident that when Lena was deeply engrossed in her work, she often neglected her own well-being. Kara and, occasionally, Sam, were the ones who reminded Lena to take care of herself. Y/N noticed that Kara, in particular, had a habit of bringing food to Lena and encouraging her to have lunch together. Lena's work ethic often prevented her from taking breaks or tending to her own needs.

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