18: Scarlett Johansson x Daughter Reader (Part 6)

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The morning sun was streaming through the window, casting a warm glow on the room. Scarlett and Lizzie were already awake, but they didn't want to disturb Y/N, who was sleeping peacefully between them. They both smiled down at her, feeling a sense of protectiveness and love towards the young girl and  they both shared the same hope - that Y/N would agree to move in with them.

Lizzie turned to Scarlett and whispered, "I really hope she says yes. She needs to be in a safe and loving environment. She deserves that much."

Scarlett ran her fingers through Y/N's hair as she replied, "I know. And I promise you, Lizzie, that I'll protect her with everything I've got."

There was a moment of silence, and then Lizzie asked, "What's wrong, Scar? You look like you're thinking about something."

Scarlett hesitated for a moment before responding, "It's just...the way Y/N describes her relationship with her father and how she wanted to be as far away from him as possible. It makes me wonder how horrible the situation was. I just...I want to know if he harmed Y/N in any way other than the hatred he showed her. It makes me worry that he might have done something worse than just verbal abuse."

Lizzie's expression turned serious as she replied, "We'll find out, babe. Y/N has started to trust us, and we need to trust her too. She'll open up to us in time."

Scarlett nodded, feeling reassured by Lizzie's words. "You're right. We just need to give her time."

Lizzie smiled and got up from the bed. "I'm going to go start on making breakfast."

Scarlett was about to get up to help, but Lizzie stopped her. "No, babe, you stay here with Y/N until she wakes up. I know she's going to love waking up to someone who cares about her so much."

Scarlett smiled and nodded, grateful for Lizzie's understanding. She watched as Lizzie left the room before turning her attention back to Y/N. She couldn't help but feel a sense of protectiveness towards the young girl, who had already been through so much in her life.  Running her fingers through her hair gently, Scarlett wondered what Y/N was dreaming about, if she was finally experiencing some peace in her life.

As Scarlett lay there, she thought about how much Y/N reminded her of her mother. The same determination and independence that Sarah had possessed seemed to shine through in Y/N, despite everything she had been through.

Scarlett couldn't help but wonder what Sarah would think of the situation they were in now. Would she be happy that Scarlett and Lizzie were taking care of her daughter? Would she have approved of their relationship?

The thoughts weighed heavily on Scarlett's mind, but she pushed them aside as she focused on Y/N. She watched as the young girl stirred in her sleep, her features relaxed and peaceful.

Scarlett smiled and leaned in, placing a soft kiss on Y/N's forehead. "We'll take care of you, little one and I promise you, Y/N. I'll be the mother you never had. I'll love you and care for you and protect you with everything I've got" she whispered, hoping that Y/N could feel the love and protection radiating from her.

And with that thought, Scarlett settled in next to Y/N, waiting for her to wake up and start a new chapter in their lives.


Y/N wakes up slowly and sees Scarlett beside her, smiling. Scarlett wishes her good morning with a gentle voice, "Good morning sweetie, did you sleep well?"

Y/N smiles back and nods, "Surprisingly very well and sound."

Scarlett kisses Y/N's forehead, "That's good to hear."

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