Halloween (Cybertron)

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Happy reading guys!!
Honestly, I did struggle with this one a bit. But I did go with a more Day of the Dead theme, where the former Cons' and Bots' would gather in/around the field of Sparkflowers. And here on that day, when both moons shine a deep orange, they would gather to watch the flowers grow further as the passed sparks joined them. It only happens once every four vorns (may not seem long but imagine the amount of Cybertronians who pass during those years...)

Just an...idea that I thought would be nice. Also kind of connects to Remembrance Day with Flanders Field, in a way. And there may be a few ghostieeessss

There will be some kiddo fluff from young kids who are just plain goofy lol
Hope you enjoy it though :)
(Also was listening to the httyd the hidden world soundtrack while making this. Specifically, As Long as He's Safe & Once There Were Dragons. Really set the mood heh)


It was a chilly night. A small layer of snow lay on the ground, and the leaves had fallen from the trees.

Iacon was buzzing with life, as were the other cities on Cybertron, but everyone knew that.

On a nearly empty roadway, the rumble of two engines was heard. Both were content as they drove through the mountain pass towards the great capital.

Behind the red and blue coloured Peterbilt was a military grade vehicle, coloured mainly blue, gray with highlights of a grayish green and red.

Above them were the two moons of Cybertron. Only tonight, they seemed to glow a burnt orange. Signaling it was a night of celebration.

Koda had seen the field of Sparkflowers before. But this time it would be different. She had seen the blue field lit up during the night on a midnight drive, but this would be special.

As Optimus turned off to another trail the femme followed. There were many chatters of Cybertronians as they reached the top. There were former Decepticons as well as Autobots settling down. As the two Guardians transformed into their bipedal modes they were greeted by many. It was slightly overwhelming but they got past them and over to the end of the cleared out area, where their friends were waiting.

Aside from Team Prime, their new comrades, Swerve, Chromedome and Megatronus were there too.

"A nice evening for this special event to happen," The silver gladiator bowed slightly as Optimus and Koda came up to him.

The Prime nodded in agreement, "It has been a long time since I have witnessed the Sparkfields grow..."

Koda had settled down beside Bumblebee and the young mech had leaned against his foster carrier. The two were conversing quietly. As were many of the gathered mechs and femmes.

Speaking of the cycle and for those who hadn't seen one another in a while, talking about that time. The chatter of everyone filled the air, and the chatter from Iacon could also be heard slightly.

After Optimus and Megatronus settled down, the Prime resting with his mate and adopted mechling, the three also chatted. About the most random things too.

All of this would continue till midnight, when this cycle entered the next and the realm between the living and dead would open for a few astrominutes. The sparks would join the fallen in the Sparkfield.

However, while they waited for the breem to pass, they watched as young sparklings ran around. Chasing after one another as they held light sticks.

Down below, in Iacon, the young Cybertronians would go from door to door, seeking out a sweet to snack on. During this time, everyone worked as one, helping each other out.

Many would often head out in pairs or groups of four to five. Everyone they would go to would give them a treat of sorts.

The same was happening on the mountain, young sparklings were running around to mechs and femmes pleading for a snack.

Koda paid no mind to it, that is till a few young un's scampered up to her. The two twins and their older sibling were there. Golden and black colouring shown in the moonlight.

"Could we pwease ave' a tweat?" The youngest of the three asked. He and his spark-twin were both fairly young, wobbly on their pedes yet.

Taken aback by the sparklets small voice she didn't hear the sound of a subspace opening. Optimus grabbed out a few rust sticks and handed them to the kids, "Go enjoy yourselves now," He shooed them along gently.

The three had nodded and ran off, the oldest running back to their creators, explaining how they got the treat.

Optimus noticed Koda's pause, he spoke softly as he asked, "Are you alright?"

The femme turned to her mate and chuckled softly, "They're so small and...Primus did you see those optics?"

Just as the red and blue mech was about to reply, a loud horn sounded.

He rose to his pedes, as well as everyone else, "It's starting."

As some came to the edge of the mountain the smaller mechs and femmes stood in front, while the larger remained back.

Then a blue flash filled the sky, an aurora of lights appeared out of nowhere. Swirling in the air before dispersing to the ground. They moved along the edge of the field, as though choosing their resting place.

It was a magical sight...The lost souls returning home...

Watching in awe, the Cybertronains were amazed to see the Sparkflowers glowing as they welcomed home their friends and family.

As the aurora of light settled, the field began growing with more blue flowers. They spread for a few moments before pausing. Everything went quiet as the field went dark. A moment later it lit back up, lit equally with the sparks. Some were purple, green, and yellow this time around. It was a beautiful sight to take in...

Everyone all watched happily as the sparks settled. The field dimmed back down, till it was just a faint glow.

This was a night everyone would remember...


While I do apologize that this one was so short, I just couldn't really come up with a solid idea for a Cybertronian Halloween. 
However I do hope that you enjoyed it. Even if it was a bit odd lol

And, Happy Halloween!!!
Hope you had a great day and had fun doing whatever you do on this day haha

Love ya🩵

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