Halloween (Earth)

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Happy reading guys!!!
Hope you enjoy this one :D
This may be early! But...i wanna give this to ya. As an early Halloween thinga ma jig 😆 we also made pumpkins today! Left is mums, beside hers is dads, then my sisters, her boyfriends, then mine. A first attempt at doing an Autobot insignia. On the other side is Perry. Who is down below lol He's a nervous lol guy.

 Who is down below lol He's a nervous lol guy

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Anyways, enjoy!!

The base was fairly quiet for such a busy day. It had been a long day of patrolling. As well as fighting for a certain Jaeger pilot.

It had been an odd day when no one was in the base, aside from Ratchet and the kids, when an alert came in for a category three Kaiju. Thunderclap had been what Miko called it.

As over the com-link, through the sounds of fighting they would hear loud claps of wind, which would sound like thunder. The young girl was rather proud of the name.

When Koda had returned and powered down Gipsy, she wasn't without injury.

Ratchet had been too busy to notice her absence, but Jack had walked down to her berthroom, only to see the woman in her tank top. Wearing a pair of shorts, which allowed access to her wounded leg to sew up a wound on her thigh. The large gash had made Jack nauseous at first.

Koda, having not yet noticed the boy, clenched her jaw as she dug the needle into her skin. Wincing as it pierced through, she pulled the string after it. Continuing this process for a fair amount of minutes, she was finally allowed to stop. Sweat dripped down her forehead, her breath was heavy, which caused her to pant slightly.

Reaching for a bottle of whiskey she poured some of the alcohol on the closed wound. Nearly dropping the bottle, Koda grasped the edge of her bed and squeezed it tightly as a searing pain went through her.

Hearing a gasp she jumped and looked up to see Jack staring at her with wide eyes, "What happened?" He asked nervously.

Koda grunted and grabbed the bottle before taking a small swig of the dark amber coloured liquid, "Kaiju of course. Got me and Gipsy good," She felt the burn of the alcohol travel down her throat. In a sense it was a distraction from the burning on her leg. Which had begun to ease off.

Carefully rising to her feet she limped over to her small kitchen counter, "Nothing I can't deal with though."

"Do you want a cane or something?" The boy asked carefully, not wanting to make the tired woman angry. That wouldn't be a good mix...

Koda shook her head, "I'll be okay, thank you though. I will come out to the main part of the base in a bit."

Taking that as his cue to leave, Jack started towards the door. At the doorway he stopped and turned around to see the woman grabbing a snack, "Oh, and Miko would like to know what you are dressing up as for Halloween. She is dead set on getting the Bots' to join us."

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