Thanksgiving (Cybertron)

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Happy reading guys!
I had fun with this one. It was interesting and fun. But also kinda hard to write at the same time...

And I thought it would be kinda cool to bring our holidays and kinda merge them into Cybertronian culture. And fluff....cause....I said so XD
Everything needs a little bit of fluff.

And sorry that it was a day late! Got swamped with things, but I gots it out.


Ironfist raised a servo in the air, rather enthusiastically.

Optimus gave a nod in confirmation, allowing the mech to speak.

"What kind of holidays were celebrated on Earth? Were they like our own? When we had lots of holidays, not just Sparkdays and (stick with me here cause I don't know what else to call it XD) Christmas? And the spooky days? Wasn't it I forgot."

The Prime paused and tapped his left pede on the ground. Thinking, his right servo began tapping his hip lightly. A moment later his azure optics went wide, "Of course!" Every student jumped slightly at his raised voice. He chuckled and rubbed the back of his helm, slightly embarrassed, "We did celebrate Earth's holidays. And at this time of year, Koda would celebrate one. It was called Thanksgiving. How it's been so long since she's celebrated a holiday..."

Stargazer perked up, "What must be prepared for this....Thanksgiving?"

"Usually there is a large meal, to be shared among family," Optimus replied, recalling the holiday that they had celebrated on earth.

"Any decorations?"

"Who do you need invited?"

"Where will it happen?"

As the questions continued coming, Optimus was too shocked to say anything.

He finally uttered a single word softly, "Why?"

In the back Kickback tilted his helm curiously, "Why not? We would be learning about other cultures and allowing your bonded to have a nice surprise. Tell us what to do, and we'll help out. Having a get-together isn't easy for a mech, a Prime who is nearly constantly busy, to set up on his own."

Striker then shot up to his pedes, "What about Ironhide or Jazz? They could help gather up the Bots' that you would like at this gathering."

A small blue and white minicon nodded, "And we could help gather items."

Optimus remained still, while ideas were thrown about. However the class soon quieted down, "This isn't how I expected this day to go..."

The classroom became heavy with worry.

Till the red and blue mech spoke up again, "Striker, head down to the self-defense class and alert Ironhide of our situation, I would like to speak with him sooner than later."

A few were surprised at how his tone had changed slightly, and seemed more...commanding. But still held the kindness that he spoke with each day.

The crimson and dark silver mech nodded, "Yes sir." He noticed the blue and white femme Trailcutter looking down. Catching his professor's eye, he nodded in agreement, "Hey Trail, wanna come down with me?"

Trailcutter was already speeding down to the door where Striker was waiting. The mech knelt down and let the smaller femme settle on his shoulder. She nuzzled him slightly, "Thanks."

"Not a problem, it's rather nice having a friend watch over me," The mech chuckled as the femme flicked his audial.

"Keep you out of trouble," Trailcutter smirked.

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