Final Chapter

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At the candy kingdom, the candy people were out there houses, and were worried the fact they heard loud sounds coming from the outside of the kingdom and the banana guards guarding the exit and not letting them out and see what was going on.

Ms: Cupcake: What is going on outside??

Starchie: Yes, everyone wants to know, even Starchie.

Banana Guard #1: We told you, we cannot let you out and see under the orders from Prince Gumball. It's too dangerous.

Banana Guard #3: Hey! Look!

The banana guards looked behind and noticed (YN) approaching to the kingdom. He was perfectly walking, even if he was stabbed brutally to the chest, the pain doesn't bother him, and the bleeding stop for a while. He passes the banana guards and to pass through the candy people and to head to the castle to go and check Fionna and and Cake.

Candy Person: H-Hey! You're that hero that saved us back then! What happen?!

(YN) stopped for a sec, turns around, looks at the candy people...and gives a gentle smile...

(YN): Everything is fine. Don't worry, the trouble is dealt with. Now...excuse me.

He then walks inside the castle...

Ms.Cupcake: ...I don't know what he meant by that, but I bet he must've fought someone strong under the condition he's in...he probably was protecting us from whatever this trouble was.

Starchie: Then, let us cheer for the hero again, for saving us!!

The candy people started to cheer for (YN), even the banana guards too.
Meanwhile, inside the castle, (YN) arrives in a room and to find Prince Gumball with some medial candy people treating Fionna and Cake.

Prince Gumball: (YN)!

(YN): Your highness...

Prince Gumball: Oh my glob! Your shoulder! We need to get that patched.

(YN):'s Fionna??..and Cake?

Prince Gumball: They're fine for now, just unconscious still, might take a while for them to wake up....(YN)...the Lichette. Is she-

(YN): Don't worry...she's gone for last.

Prince Gumball: ...*smiles with relief* Thank glob...thank you (YN) saved the life from that fiend.

(YN): You're welcome...oh man..

(YN) started to loose balance as well and to collapse as Prince Gumball catches him from falling.

Prince Gumball: He must've lost too much blood from that wound...don't worry (YN), you deserve to rest now.



2 weeks have pass now, the Lichette was no more thanks to (YN). During those weeks, (YN) has recovered and wide awake already. Cake as well, but as for Fionna, she was still resting and at any moment she should wake up according to the doctors. At the castle, (YN) and Cake waited and waited for Fionna to wake up.

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