
"Are you sure your ready?" Natasha asks me as I walk down the street. Today is the day I'm telling my friends and family about me being pregnant. I've been pushing it off for a few weeks but now im 16 weeks pregnant I'm showing more. I can't just lie about it being bloat any longer.

"I'm fine Tasha..I need to get it done. I think vic thinks I'm dying because of the amount of times I've said no to drinking with them. And Wes is gonna explode if he has to stay quiet any longer." I say laughing slightly. "Okay. Just call me if you need me. Bye dorogoya" Nat says. I hum "I will. Bye Nat". I hang up the phone before walking into the cafe.

I smile when I spot my friends sat at a table. I wave at them as I walk over to sit next to Wes. "Hey. What was the urgent meeting for?" Vic asks. I smile going in my bag "I have something to tell you. Wes knows already because he was there when I found out.". I grab an ultrasound photo from this week and I slide it across the table for the two girls to look at.

A loud scream comes from vic and she stand up to hug me "OH MY GOD YOUR PREGNANT". I smile at her hugging her back "yeah. 16 weeks". "Whos is it?" She asks sitting back down. I look around before showing her a photo I took of Nat on my phone. "You are kidding..congrats!" She says grinning.

I look over at Ava as I hear her chair squeaking across the floor. She stands up and I notice a sad look on her face. I follow her out as she storms out "Ava wait!". I keep following her as she walks towards her car "A whats wrong?". "I fucking love you thats what. And your too dumb to fucking notice it. You would rather be fucking an avenger who you have knew a few months rather than someone who knows you!" She shouts at me.

I gasp as her lips hit mine. Her hands grab onto the side of my face as she forces her tongue into my mouth. I try to push her away but mothing works. I feel her hand trying to push into my pants and I grab her hand. I manage to finally shove her away and I shout"what the hell do you think your doing?!". She frowns at me as I back away from her "Em i-". I turn around and I quickly rush back in the cafe.

I slide back into my seat and I stay silent as I try to figure out what the hell just happened. "Em are you okay?" Wes asks putting a hand on my back. I nod looking up at him "Yeah..uh..I have to go..meet my parents. Ill call you later". They watch as I gather my things and I leave.

I get to my parents half an hour later still in shock. I smile at my mother as she opens the door "hi ma". She looks me up and down and mutters "you've gotten fat" before walking inside. I sigh before following her in. I walk into the living room and I spot my father sat watching TV "Hey dad".  He doesn't say anything to me so I just sit down.

"I..um...need to tell you something" I mutter out. "What is it? Did you get fired?" My mother asks. I shake my head "No..I didnt get fired. I..im pregnant". I breathe out a sigh of relief when arms wrap around me "your giving us a grandchild!". "Wheres my son in law? When's the wedding?" My father asks. I look down at my hands "t..there is no wedding. A..and her names natasha".

A sob leaves my mouth as a the back of my fathers hand hits my face. I cup my cheek in my hand as I stare at him in shock. "No grandchild of mine will be a bastard...and a child needs a father! You get rid of it!" He screams at me. "I..im not getting rid of my baby!" I shout at him.

Another slap to the same cheek but from my mother. My face gets cut from her rings making the pain worse. "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE! You are no longer our child and we do not accept that..demon into our family" she shouts pointing to my bump. I stand up grabbing my bag and trying to ignore the stinging in my face. "Fuck you" I sob out slamming the front door behind me.

As I walk down the street to get a taxi my phone rings. I leave it to ring not bothering to look who it is. It rings again and again until I get annoyed and I answer "What?!". "Detka..whats wrong?" Nat asks. "Nothing Tasha..just..I don't want to talk at the moment" I sob out before hanging up. I wave over a taxi and I climb in.

I lay on the sofa in a pile of blankets in a shirt I stole from Natasha a while ago. The stinging in my face has worsened and its most likely started to bruise. My phone was going off for atleast an hour after I got home so I turned it off.

I hear a knock at my door and I get up pausing the show I'm watching. I open the door slightly making sure to not show the side of my face that is injured. My eyes widen at the redhead stood at my door. She has on a jumper and jeans and her hair is soaked from the rain. She has hold of a bag and I can see a chocolate cake poking out of it.

"Tasha?" I mutter out "y..you need to leave". "Why..whats wrong kotenok?" She asks trying to push the door open wider. "Just go Natasha!" I shout at her. "Yeah I'm not gonna do that. You have been crying and I haven't just got soaked by the rain for nothing. Open the door Em" she demands and I shake my head. I manage to get the door shut again and I sit back on the sofa.

After an hour of Natasha banging at my door it grows quiet. I get up and I go over to the door. I unlock it just for it to be pushed open quickly. Nat let's out a gasp at the sight of my face "who the hell did this?". "I told you I needed time alone. A..and I'm fine.." I mutter out walking over to the sofa again.

The door shuts and Nat goes to my kitchen. She comes back in 5 minutes later with two forks and the cake on a tray aswell as a bag of ice in a tea towel. She sits next to me and holds the ice to my face with one hand whilst feeding me cake with the other.

I open my mouth again to let Nat put more cake in my mouth but she holds the fork infront of my face. "Hang on detka. I want you to tell me what happened first" She tells me making me groan. "But-..fine. I..told my parents a..and they asked about when the wedding is and who their "son in law" is. I told them about you and that there is no wedding and my father hit me. He..told me to get rid of the baby a..and I said no so my mother slapped me and kicked me out" I tell her trying not to cry again.

"Oh kotenok..I'm so sorry.." Natasha tells me pulling me into a hug. I sigh as I lean into her hold. Her hand pushes under my shirt and rests on my lower back. "Your  warm" I hum out as I try to get closer to her. "Are you cold dorogoya?" Nat asks cupping my face in her hands. "Mhm.." I lean up to bite the bit of cake she has on the fork off. Nat stands up making me whine "lets go to bed it will be warmer". I'm picked up and taken to my room where we lay in bed and watch TV.

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