🫶Slight Sneak Peak🫶

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This is a Sneak Peak to the four months Erin is away from Beacon Hills and is with her siren family and her vampire uncles.


Erin was in the water and had grown into a ten-year-old little girl with brown hair." Time to go up to the surface with Sarge to see Klaus and Elijah now," Ryn signs." I'm ready to go now?" Erin signs happily." You are remember to come home and stay safe," Ryn signs with a smile." Thank you for accepting me into your colony Ryn," Erin signs.

"Always welcome home," Ryn signed before leaving with everyone and Sarge came to Erin's side," I'm with you now till the end of the line," Sarge signed with a smile." You did watch the Winter Soldier film!" Erin signs happily." I did," Sarge signs and they swim to the surface and they see Klaus and Elijah standing by the edge.

"Come little one, my family is dying to meet you," Klaus grins." Coming!" Erin yells. Erin grabs her clothes and puts on her dad's old Sheriff hat that she found before she left Beacon Hills.

Erin now-

Suddenly two new people arrived and Sarge stood in front of Erin as she shifted into her vampire side

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Suddenly two new people arrived and Sarge stood in front of Erin as she shifted into her vampire side." Is this Erin the siren/vampire hybrid?" The blonde lady spoke." Yep Rebekah this is Erin, Erin this is Rebekah my sister, and Kol my brother," Klaus signs with a smile.

"Oh! Hello!" Erin signs happily." She's adorable, she has grown rapidly and I assume this is Sarge? Her protector," Kol notes." I am," Sarge signs as Elijah translates.

Rebekah approaches Erin," Come we must do some shopping and get you some blood as you must be thirsty by now?" Rebekah says, Erin nods in response.

"How are we teaching her though by the way?" Kol wonders. "Blood bags for now as too young to feed from people, "Elijah smiles passing her a sippy cup filled with blood.

Klaus compelled a lady and began to drink her blood as did everyone else. Sarge covered Erin's eyes." All done now," Klaus says with a smile."Let's head back to the house," Rebekah says with a grin.

"I want to give Erin my old clothes that I think she'll look fabulous on," Rebekah smiles." Erin here are some clothes I've kept, try them on," Rebekah says with a smile. Erin tries her new clothes on," I'm dressed," Erin signs happily.

"Now I'm going to teach you everything little hybrid," Klaus says with a smile." I become like you?" Erin signs." Yes and soon it will be time to return home, I will return with you as well Sarge," Klaus signs.

Erin smiles and uses her newfound speed to run up to her room and grab her bags." You're not going yet but best to be prepared as we said we'd bring you home when the school year starts," Klaus winks.

"I'm sad that when I go home I can't see my dad, he thinks I'm dead or missing doesn't he?" Erin says sadly.

Klaus goes to Erin's side, "Maybe when he learns about the supernatural world you can appear but till then you have to let him live a lie," Klaus says softly hugging her.

Erin nods," Till then we can be your father figures/big brothers for as long as you need us," Klaus says with a smile making Erin grin." I'd like that," Erin smiles." Silly questions but how will I feed when I return home?" Erin questions." You'll compel your mother to bring you some blood bags," Elijah tells her.

"How do you do that?" Erin wonders." Easy you look them straight in the eyes and tell them what you wish for them to do," Klaus explains." Oh, you're gonna have to teach me that," Erin signs." We'll do that nearer the time," Kol smiles. Sarge was stood watching over Erin," Shall we go hunt? I'm hungry for fish," Erin signs.

Sarge nodded in response and they headed off to the water which Klaus and Elijah understood they had to go to the water to stop their skin from burning from the lack of water.

Erin and Sarge jump in the water together and they both change at the same time. Once in siren form, Erin leads with Sarge behind her and they hunt for four hours straight together.


The slight sneak peek is done with ✔️ we've seen bits of Erin's bonds with the Mikaelsons and the Siren colony ♥️

How was this?

What do we think of the bond so far?

Any questions please feel free to ask me🥰

Erin would leave in S4 to come back to New Orleans ❤️

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