🫶Chapter Four🫶

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Erin and Stiles were at school doing something whilst Scott was talking to Coach about the game on Saturday. Stiles and Erin were in the library researching since Scott had maths in the first period.

Stiles took Erin by the hand, and they spotted Noah with the principal.

"Daddy!" Erin says. Noah looked to see Erin and Stiles there and waved at the duo.

"Hi Daddy," Erin says climbing up the steps.

Noah helps her up the stairs and picks his daughter up.

"I want everyone under the age of 18 to be in their home by 9:30 p.m. We'd like to institute the curfew, effective immediately," Noah says with authority

"Erin go back to your brothers please," Noah says and Erin nods and walks off.

"Look, we don't -"The principal says buts gets cut off.

"Effective immediately," Noah repeats.

Erin heads down the stairs and Scott catches her as she nearly falls.

"You okay Rin?" Scott asks.

"Yes, Scott." Erin nods.

"Curfew because of the body. " Scott confirms

"Unbelievable. Our dad's out looking for a rabid animal, while the jerk-off who killed the girl is just hangin' out, doing whatever he wants." Stiles rambles

"Well, you can't exactly tell your dad the truth about Derek," Scott says as he picks up Erin and places her on his hip.

"I can do something," Stiles says

"Like what?" Scott asks

"Find the other half of the body," Stiles says walking off

"Are you kidding?" Scott asks.

"Scott? I don't think Derek did it." Erin says softly.

"Why do you think that?" Scott asks.

"His eyes have blue, not red, Alpha's eyes are red," Erin says tiredly.

Erin falls asleep in Scott's arms, Scott holds her tightly and he sees Lydia introducing Allison to the lacrosse players.

"So Lydia's introducing you to everyone?" Scott asks walking over with a sleeping Erin in his arms

"She's being so unbelievably nice to me," Allison replies.

"I wonder why," Scott mutters

"Maybe she gets how much being the new girl can suck." Allison points out.

"Where did you get that?" Scott says noticing the jacket.

"My jacket? It was in my locker. I think Lydia brought it back from the party. She has my combination - " Allison tells Scott.

"Did she say she brought it back or did somebody give her the jacket?" Scott cuts her off

"Like who?" Allison wonders.

"Like Derek," Scott states.

"Your friend?" Allison questions.

"He's not my friend. How much did you talk to him when he drove you home?" Scott questions.

"Mmm, not much at all," Allison says.

"What did you say?" Scott asks.

"I - gotta get to class." Allison points in the opposite direction.

"Allison - " Scott says.

"No, I have to go," Allison says walking away.


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