🍁Chapter Six🍁

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A/N- kind of a long chapter! As didn't want to do two separate chapters!

Erin was in Scott's room since his mom had to go to work again. A gunshot rang out making Erin jump in fright and Scott looked outside.

"Erin go get your blanket and coat and I'll wrap you onto my chest. I need to go see who got hurt." Scott whispers.

"Okay, Scotty," Erin signs.

The two head off towards the sound of the gunshots and see no one but heard two voices.

"Get in," Argent says.

"Not even, "Hello?" "Nice to see you?" The female voice retorts sarcastically.

"All I've got at the moment is, "Please put the assault rifle away before someone notices." Chris points out.

"That's the brother I love." She sarcastically spoke.

"Chris, there were two of 'em."She tells him.

"The Alpha?" Chris questions.

"I don't know, but one of them tried to kill me--" The lady spoke.

"One of them is gonna lead us to the other. He can't do that if he's dead." Chris Argent says cutting her off.

"Well, I can't help kill either of them if one of them kills me first." The lady tells him.

"How long will it take?" Chris Argent asks.

"Give him forty-eight hours..." The female voice says.

Scott, not knowing that it was Derek specifically who got shot, raises his eyebrows when he realizes that whoever she shot could potentially die, and quickly

"If that." The female voice spoke.

Scott, still confused, processes the new information he just overheard as he holds Erin tightly who is also confused by that conversation.

Scott heads home with sleepy Erin and sleeps for the rest of the night and gets ready for a day at school.

Stiles, Scott, and Erin were in class together and Erin was sitting on Stiles's lap as they were discussing the new werewolf situation.

"If Derek isn't the Alpha if he's not the one who bit you, then who did?" Stiles questions.

"I don't know," Scott says shrugging his shoulder.

"Did the Alpha kill the bus driver?" Stiles asks.

"I don't know," Scott responds.

Not satisfied by these answers, Stiles sits back in his seat, gnawing on his lower lip as he thinks. He finally sighs and leans forward one last time to ask another question

"Does Allison's dad know about the Alpha?" Stiles asks Scott.

"I don't know!" Scott shouts.

"Jeez," Scott says seeing his test results.

Stiles is handed back his test and is satisfied by the "A" grade he received. However, Scott sighs loudly when he's handed his, which has a D- written on it, along with a message that says "Not like you! See me after class."

Stiles leans forward to look at it and mutters sarcastically over Scott's shoulder

"Dude, you need to study more." Stiles jokes.

Scott slams his test down on his desk making Erin jump and shoots Stiles a look, causing Stiles to scoff defensively.

"That was a joke. Scott, it's one test. You're gonna make it up. Do you want help studying?" Stiles asks.

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