The Nation of Eternity

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Kunimitsu flies back with the covered Indarias in his arms. She was shaking from fear and he could feel it. The karmic debt has done its damage to her mental health and has to make sure to keep her under control. He returns to Guyun Stone Forest and sees the tournament nearing its end. But what interested him was that there was a certain anemo Yaksha watching Lumine and the others from atop of the stone pillars and so he decides to drop in.

Kunimitsu: "Hey Xiao!"

Xiao: "Oh Kunimitsu, you've arrived-"

He stops talking when he sees the cloaked female in his arms. The Conqueror of Demons narrows his eyes.

Xiao: "Why is there so much karmic debt emitting from you and who is that in your arms?"

Kunimitsu: "Well it's hard to explain but..."

Kunimitsu drags him to the top of the island and pulls down the cloak on Indarias, this puts Xiao in a state of absolute surprise and shock. His eyes are the size of plates and his mouth gaping.

Xiao: "T-Theres no way...but how is she?!"

Kunimitsu: "I found her in Wuwang Hill in a cavern. It looked like shes been staying there for a very long time...her karmic debt is making her see hallucinations of monsters and instead of being killed, she ran from fear. Her memories seem to be forgotten and she only remembers vaguely."

Xiao approaches Kunimitsu and brushes his hand on her face, but quickly yanks his hand back upon sensing the dangerously high levels of karmic debt. 

Xiao: "Shes very dangerous now. I'm afraid that I'll have to-"

Kunimitsu: "No wait I got an idea. Me and the others are heading to Inazuma and I'm going to take her to the Sacred Sakura."

Xiao: "The Sacred Sakura...if I remember correctly, it removed all filth from the land and once it was full, a ritual was performed to purify it."

Kunimitsu: "Thats right, karmic debt should be no exception since it's own type of filth."

Xiao: "Hmm I guess you're right. Also I have one more thing to say, Rex Lapis told me to accompany you and the others on your trip to Inazuma."

Kunimitsu: "Wait what? But you have a duty to take care of any demons in Liyue."

Xiao: "Indeed but he told me to come with you since the trip and mission to stop this "Vision Hunt Decree" will be perilous and dangerous since you will most likely face off against a god. And of course we all know how powerful Lady Beelzebul is."

Kunimitsu: "Yea I know how strong she is..."

Xiao: "That's why he sent me to come with you. You're gonna need all the help you can get. besides, now that you used Guizhong's Orb of Creation to make many Guizhong Ballistas around Liyue, no demons have showed up."

Kunimitsu: "Well, whatever you say dude. Lets go, the tournament is reaching it's climax."

Xiao nods as he and Kunimitsu along with the frightened Indarias in his arms. They return to the tournament where they are greeted by Lumine and the others, they are also surprised to see Xiao with them and he explains his reasons for being here and they ask about the person in Kunimitsu's arms but he will explain another time. Lumine won the tournament and managed to stop a thief from taking the Masterless Vision. Kazuha warns the Traveler that the journey to Inazuma will be treacherous, even more so once they set foot on the closed nation. Kazuha also tells Kunimitsu about his friend who challenged the Raiden Shogun to a Duel before the Throne, that ended in losing his life. Kunimitsu was shocked to know his friend challenged his mother to that type of duel because even he knows that challenging someone to a Duel before the Throne will end in death for the loser. The Alcor needs to resupply and that they will be notified once ready; in the meantime, he intends to travel across Liyue to see if someone can reawaken the Vision, hoping the two of them will have enjoy their journeys. The group head back to Liyue to relax until they are ready to board the Alcor and head off to Inazuma. As they were walking along the streets, Kunimitsu saw a familiar figure with light blue hair, with her hands to her hips and he was surprised.

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