Chapter 19

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Location: Wayne Manor / Time: 12:30 pm

After the brothers took showers, they had to explain to Damian about bullies.

"They aren't villains. They're human beings, who believe in domestic violence and like to pick on people." Explained Dick, "Also the fact that they are Drug Lord Kids!"

"Yeah who are about to enter the bus of hurt." Stated Damian.

"We don't hurt people. Especially in this position we're in." Tim added.

"Dickie?" Whined Jason.

"What's wrong Little-Wing?" Dick asked looking at his baby brother.

"Can I have a sandwich please?" Jason asked.

"Sure, I totally forgot it's lunchtime." Said Dick slapping his hand on his head, "You guys want anything?" Dick asked getting up from his seat while picking up Jason.

"No thanks." Groaned Damian, "Well I kicked one of the bullies in the butt, so your welcome."

Tim rolled his eyes, "Sure Dick, sandwiches sound great." Smiled Tim getting up from his seating area.

All three brothers made their way into the kitchen. "What kinda of sandwich would you like Jason?" Asked Dick.

"PB&J." Beamed Jason.

"Tim?" Dick looked at Tim.

"Turkey and Cheese for me." Smiled Tim.

"Let's see." Said Dick, "Tim you make the PB&J, I'll make the turkey and cheese." He opened the refrigerator and tossed Tim the ingredients.

"What about you?" Asked Jason.

"I'll have what you're having." Dick smiled.

"Yay! Sandwich buddies!" Jason raised his hands with excitement. Tim couldn't help but sneak a chuckle.

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