Chapter 11

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Location: Wayne Manor  / Time: 2:15 am

Tim quietly snuck in Jason's room and gently woke him up.

"What's wrong Timmy?" Yawned Jason while stretching his arms.

"Come on we have something we want to show you." Beamed Tim.

"Carry me." Jason reached his arms out to Tim.

Tim chuckled, he picked up Jason and carried him downstairs then outside. Dick and Bruce greeted them and Damian just gave a "TT."

"Morning Jason." Smiled Dick.

"Why we all out here? It's still dark." Yawned Jason.

"We get to see a meteor shower." Explained Bruce.

"Really?" Jason eyes grew wide with excitement.

"Yes, Todd." Frowned Damian as he rolled his eyes.

"Dami you have to be a little excited." Smiled Dick nudging Damian's back with his elbow.

"No, I am not." Damian frowned pushing Dick's arm away.

"He's useless to entertain." Tim said to Dick.

Bruce rolled his eyes and took Jason from Tim's arms. "Tim go set up the telescope. Jason want to help me set up the chairs and blanket?" Asked Bruce.

Jason nodded he squirmed out of Bruce's arms and immediately started helping. After a few minutes of setting up, Alfred came out with snacks and refreshments.

Everyone sat down even Alfred to watch the beautiful night sky. Jason looked up and his eyes widen. "Daddy look!" Smiled Jason pointing to a flying light in the sky

"I see." Bruce smirked.

Dick marveled at the sky. Tim took pictures with his phone. Damian studied the meteors through the telescope. Jason beamed at every meteor that flew past him and his family.

"Hey Jason what do you think? Was it worth getting up at two o'clock in the morning?" Asked Tim. Jason didn't answer he walked over to his brother and sat in his lap and snuggled in his chest. Dick took the phone from Tim's hand and took a picture of the adore sight.

"This has been the best night ever." Whispered Jason before he closed his eyes.

"I'm glad." Smiled Tim as he wrapped his arms around his brother.

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