Chapter Four

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Introduction of the Vampires and Past Generations

Questions surfaced in the vampires heads, how did they have children? Vampires couldn't procreate, everyone knew that. Trying to keep the noise to a minimum as there were now three sleeping children in the hall the vampires quietly asked their niece/daughter "how was it possible?" Hope stared at her father aunt and uncle's dumbfounded for almost a minute letting what they just said sink in "didn't the witch tell you?" "Tell us what?" "That you can have children with your soulmate" in that exact moment they remembered what the witch had told them "just for you too know that when you meet your soulmate you will be able to have children with them." The witch had said as if it was an afterthought. The Mikaelson's couldn't believe it how could they forget that. "I guess you're losing your memories with your old age" came two joyful voices in sink, the vampires turned to the voices shocked, jaws dropped, they couldn't believe someone had the nerve to say such a thing. The thought of murder subconsciously crossed their minds but that would just be petty, but the least they could do was scare the owners of the voice. That was of course until they figured out who had said it. It had been their soulmates, and god forbid they or anyone else for that matter hurt their soulmates.

Before the Mikaelsons could reply to their soulmates cheek Hope cut in "ok now that everyone's questions have been answered how about we get on to the introductions" as no one wanted to upset the tribrid the past generation complied to her request.

"Hi everyone, I'm James Potter, I am 20 years old and I was a Gryffindor whilst at Hogwarts" said a young man with jet black untamed hair, and glasses. The resemblance between him and his daughter was uncanny and if people were to see them together and not have a clue who they were, would think that they were brother and sister.

"Im Lily Potter I'm 21 years old and I was also a Gryffindor in school." Said the ginger stood beside him. The young woman had bright emerald eyes like her daughter but what people never mentioned was that they also had the same nose. Even though the similarities between the mother daughter duo were little no one could deny that they were definitely real.

"Hello, I'm Sirius Black I'm also 21 years old and was also a Gryffindor whilst attending Hogwarts" like the boy standing beside him and James who was standing in front of him he also had jet black hair but unlike James his hair was neatly styled and looked like he had spent hours making sure every strand of hair was in the right place. No one could deny the man was handsome but one of his most striking features was his eyes they were grey, the looked full of mischief, they were mesmerising.

Finally the last boy who w as holding his sleeping daughter in his arms stepped forward, he looked similar to the boy who had just introduced himself as Sirius Black one difference being instead of having grey eyes he had vey pale blue eyes that in certain lighting people could confuse as grey "hello I'm Regulus Black I'm 16 years old and I'm a Slytherin" the boy said. Girls all around the hall started to giggle and flutter their eyelashes at the men as the four sat down all opting a seat at the Gryffindor table. This obviously made the boys confused one was married, one was a convicted serial killer and the other was holding his daughter of whom he had with an original vampire, not to mention they were all dead.

Jealousy surged through the female Mikaelson. "How dare they look at him like that, they knew he had children with her, he had their daughter snuggled into his chest for god sake." Seeing her aunt becoming agitated Hope said to her farther that it was time for them to introduce themselves. Listening to his daughter Klaus began to introduce himself.

I'm Klaus Mikaelson, I'm over 1000 years old but physically I'm 20 years old. I'm the original hybrid. His older brother followed suit with introducing himself " I'm Finn Mikaelson, I'm the oldest Mikaelson and I am an original vampire, I'm over 1000 years old but physically I am 23 years old. Seeming to get what there brothers were doing Elijah and Kol both introduced themselves "I'm Elijah Mikaelson, I'm the second oldest Michael son sibling and I am an original vampire, like my brothers I am also over a thousand years old and physically I am 22 years old. "I'm Kol Mikaelson and I'm the youngest brother and physically I'm 18 years old."

Knowing what her brothers were doing but couldn't be bothered to say anything Rebekah introduced herself. "Hello I'm Rebekah Mikaelson, I'm the youngest sibling, but first original vampire, I'm physically 16 years old, and if you girls don't stop looking at my soulmate in the next ten seconds we are going to have problems" she said the last bit deadly calm taking a page out of Elijah's book as she was holding her son. The girls who were fluttering their lashes at the boys quickly turned away flustered and annoyed that they had gotten caught by the original but also petrified of what the original would do to them if they tried anything like that again.

After the Mikaelsons a young woman who looked around 18 introduced herself "Hello I'm Katherine Pierce and I am 500 years old and I am a Petrova doppelgänger and a vampire. Next a girl who many people believed to be Katherine's twin stepped forward trying to gain the attention that hadn't been on her for ages, not even the Salvatores acknowledged her she thought bitterly "Hello I'm Elena Gilbert and I am 17 years old and I am a Petrova doppelgänger and a recently turned vampire" she said sweetly. as she finished her introduction she hadn't had her spotlight for a minute before her best friend took it from her "Hi I'm Caroline I'm 17 but was turned into a vampire when I was 16 by Katherine". Annoyed that she wasn't acknowledged long Elena subtlety sent a small glare at the blonde, who paid her no interest. A dark skinned girl then introduced herself "hi I'm Bonnie Bennett and I'm a nature witch". A man with ocean blue eyes introduced himself next as Damon Salvatore and his brother then introduced himself as Stefan Salvatore and they were both vampires.

"Now that we all know each other we are going to start the movies, but before that let's change the hall into something more comfortable" and with a flick of her wrist the hall transformed from the long wooden benches and tables to couches and bean bags. As everyone stared at her in shock the headmaster who had his usual twinkle in his eyes asked "how did you do such powerful magic without a wand my girl?" Lyra who did not like him question her daughter like that said without hesitation "that's for her to know, and you need to keep your nose out of my daughters business before I hit your old a*s" stunned that his student, especially his pawn would speak to him like that said "I was only asking my girl" " I'm not your girl so you can stop calling me that you old fool" was Lyra's annoyed reply, her mood then switched when she turned to her daughter and said "can we get on to the movies now" hope replied happily "of course and thank you for sticking up for me" "anytime your my daughter after all and I would stick up for any of my children without hesitation" "we know" said her two sons and daughter simultaneously.

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