Episode 3: A Minor Hiccup

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Weiss's Pov

I am sitting in class, barely listing to professor Port's lecture.

Jaune then scoots close to me.

Jaune: Hey, Weiss so I was thinking after this maybe we can grab a bite to eat?

I just stand there and act like I am not listening.

Jaune: And I do have two tickets to that new movie in Vale! I heard it was pretty good. And maybe after that we could study together, I meant you're smart and I'm... y'know.

Suddenly my alarm went off.

Port: And then I- Oh timed that one wrong, I guess. Well the stunning conclusion will have to wait, until next time.

Jaune: Weiss? Did you hear any of what I just said?

Weiss: No, no, no, yes.

Jaune slams his head onto the desk.

Y/n's Pov

Me and team RBY are walking out when we see Jaune depressed at his failure to ask Weiss out.

Y/n: Don't worry bud, I'm sure there is at least one guy worse at girls than you.

On Earth.

Yamcha: Achoo!

Back to Remnant.

Yang: One day.

We walk past him.

Later at Team SAYK's Room.

We all were getting ready for the plan.

(Narrator: Ignore super Saiyan)

Y/n: Got my wristbands on and my boots are tied. Gonna see my friends and fight a panda guy. Do de do, today is fighting day!

Cloud finished sharpening his oversized sword, Acoustic puts on his weighted clothing and Sans chugs a bottle of Ketchup.

We all turn to look at Sans with disgust.

Sans: What?

We all exit and make our way to RWBY's room.

Y/n: Alright, here goes.

I knock and Blake lets us in.

Blake: Good you're here. I thought that class would never end.

Ruby is on top of her bunk bed.

Ruby: Alright everyone today's the day, the investigation BEGINS!

Ruby jumps down and startles Weiss.

Weiss: I'm glad we are taking this so seriously.

Yang: Hey, we have a plan that's.... moderately serious.

Ruby: Right everyone remember their roles? Weiss?

Weiss: You, Cloud and I will head to Schnee factions building to find info on anymore dust robberies. Seeing as I'm in the family it shouldn't be a problem.

Blake: The White Fang has regular Faction meetings to give orders and recruit new members. If I can get in it shouldn't have a problem finding out what they are planning.

Acoustic: Me and Sans are on emergency duty, if one of you gets compromised we will come to your location and help.

Yang: I know an old friend on the shady side of town. He knows everything that goes on in Vale, getting information on him shouldn't be too hard. but just in case-

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