The Preparation / The Wedding

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Friday morning

11:44 AM

Test Tube's POV:

I was preparing myself for the wedding. I was arranging my gown and kept my bouquet of flowers in a vase. Well obviously to keep it fresh and not dead.

"Wow, you look so.. magnificent, me." I said as I put on make-up. "You sure are!"

I then got done from dressing up and took the bouquet.

"Mom? Are you prepared?" Bot asked me.

"Yes, Bot. I am." I said, getting off the chair and walked with Bot.

Fan's POV:

Same status as Test Tube's. I'm preparing myself for the wedding as well. However, the fact I'm on a wheelchair, Lightbulb assists me. Again.

"Fan, you look more magnificent than Paintbrush!" Lightbulb said, putting a flower pin on me. "Hold still, Fanny cakes."

I looked at Lightbulb, asking for something. "Can you show me on a mirror."

"Why not?"

Lightbulb grabbed a handheld mirror and then, she showed my reflection.

"My... I look... like I always did."

"Of course you do! But with a little bit of changes!" Lightbulb chuckled.


"Well, Fan? Are you ready?" Paintbrush asked.

"I am, Paintbrush... I am ready."

12:05 PM

At the church

Here I am at the church alter, with the pastor next beside me. This is a joyous moment for me! The choir was singing, everyone else was proud for me, and blah blah blah, and I'm glad Bot is here to see the fun.

The door opened, revealing Test Tube with her beautiful wedding dress, walking towards the carpet with flower petals on the carpet.

The pastor adjusts his glasses.

"Now, Miss Test Tube, do you accept Fan as your one and only loving husband?" He asked.

"I do." She answered.

"Mr. Fan, do you accept Test Tube as your one and only loving wife?" He asked me.

"I do." I answered.

"Now, do you have the ring?" He asked.

"I have it right here."

I then pulled out the ring and put it in her finger.

"And now, you may kiss the bride!"

Test Tube leaned towards me as we kissed each other passionately, lasting a 10 second kiss.

A confetti was shot, everyone was applausing.

The pastor is clearly jealous about this. "Wow, Fan. Your about to be wife is a great kisser."

I giggled. "I know, reverend."

After the ceremony

12:57 PM

Test Tube's POV:

Mmm, yes, it really was joyous. I sat down and drove the car, we were going to our wedding reception.

At the reception

1:02 PM

I helped out Fan about his wheelchair issue, but Fan is still having a nice time.

"Test Tube, you don't need to help me out. I can use the wheelchair myself, dear." He said, wanting to control the wheelchair himself.

"Alrighty, then. Suit yourself." I said as I let go of his wheelchair.

I smiled at him and saw Lightbulb. "Oh, hey Lightbulb!" I then went towards her and talked with her.

Fan's POV:

I was with Knife, talking about our wedding.

"Fan, you're so lucky to be with her! And, I'll tell you what, she's a great kisser!" Knife said.

Knife glanced towards Nickel. "Hey, Nickel! Fan is having Test Tube as his wife!"

"Wait, what do you mean she's a gre-"

Nickel laughed. "Okay, I'm not being sarcastic this time here! But I gotta admit, she's a great kisser!"

I'm very shocked on what Nickel just said. "Now, hang on just a se-"

Nickel went towards Trophy. "Hey everybody! I invited all of you here to this reception to tell that Fan is marrying Test Tube!"

The word was spreaded all over, everybody is chattering on how much of a great kisser Test Tube is.

I was infuriated on everybody. "Oh, for goodness sake..." And then, I yelled the words "Has anyone here in this room haven't kissed my wife!?"

Cheesy immediately exclaimed. "yeah!" He yelled.

"And who would that be?" I ask.


Everyone bursted out in laughter.

The scene cuts to us slicing the wedding cake.

"Test Tube, let me help you out. I don't want to look like a bad husband here." I said.

"Okay, Fan. You can help me."

After slicing the cake, flashes of photos are seen and everyone was happy for us for our wedding.

Cabby's POV:

I stood up and I clinked a wine glass that is filled. "Ahem, I would like to share a toast. Test Tube, Fan, even though we have been through a lot of... bad stuff, I would still say congratulations on your wedding, and I have high hopes for all of you that your marriage will be as good as ever."

I completes her sentence as we poured wine on our cups.

An applause is hearable.

"Cabby, thank you... for that speech of yours." Fan said, giving me a soft smile.

"Aww, you're welcome, you cutie pie!" I then rubbed Fan's face.

Test Tube snaps her fingers when she watches the scene. "Hey, hey, hey! Why are you touching my husband?" She said as she slapped my wrists.


Test Tube pulls out Fan who's on a wheelchair away.

Bot's POV:

I was with Goo, talking. And then I saw Test Tube with Fan and I wanted to say something.

"Mom, Dad, congratulations on the wedding!" I said as I kissed both of them.

"Aww, thanks, sweetheart!" Test Tube said, kissing me back.

Fan was shocked. "Bot? Did you just... call me dad?"

"Of course I did! I'm your kid now, since Test Tube is my mother."

"Oh, okay, then!" Fan said with glee.

After the party

8:16 PM

Test Tube's POV:

I tucked Fan on our bed, and I laid down near him.

"That was a fun day, wasn't it, dear?"

"It was, Test Tube's... it was..."

"Good night, Fan. Sleep tight."

"I love you, my beautiful wife..."

"I love you too, my husband... sweet dreams."

The end...

~990 words.

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