That Was... Weird?

402 3 37

Still October 1 even if it's October 2 today

Test Tube's POV:

So Test Tube woke up from a strange dream.

I yawned from my slumber, until I realized what I've done was a dream. "Wait... the thing I did... to Cabby, Taco, Mic and Knife... was a dream?"

Fan then woke up next to her, hearing what she just said. "Hm? What was that?"

"Huh? Nothing..." I tried to brush it off by moving on to the subject, but I can't. Since the fact Fan is too curious what I was talking about.

"Come on, tell me!" He told me. So I sighed in annoyance.

"Fine... I'll tell you. So uhm... I had this... strange dream and uhm..."

"Go on?"

I sighed. "Fine. So that dream was uhm... I tased Cabby, force fed Taco, and I traumatized Microphone and Knife."

"Hey! I had that same dream too!"

"Wait you did!?"

"I did!"

"So we had the same dream together!?"


"Can you recall what happened?"

"Yeah! So I asked you what was going on, you answered and then... I walked away."

"Hey!" I exclaimed. "That was the same thing that occured on that dream."

"Wait what?"

"Yep!" I then patted Fan. "I can't believe we'd dream the same thing together, honey!"

"You're welcome, sweetie!"

So yeah. We then walked out of our room to get some breakfast.

Fan's POV:

So yeah, I was so weirded out on what just happened last night. "So uhm... can we move on from... that?" I asked Test Tube.

"Oh uhm... sure?" Test Tube said to me, feeling weirded out as well as me.

So yeah. We took what we want to eat. Pancakes.

So I asked Test Tube if she wants to feed me like a child.

"Oh boy! I always wanted to do that to you!"

My eyes sparkled, feeling excited today.

"Say ah, sweetie~" Test Tube said, with a fork stuffed with a pancake piece.

I opened my mouth, she then put the fork in my mouth, eating the pancake she fed me.

"Actually, OJ is GREAT at making breakfast for us!" I exclaimed happily.

"Ah, I see. You wanted me to do this to move on to that weird silly nightmarish dream we had?" She asked me.

I didn't say a word but I gave a nod.

"Mhm, I understand it, sweetie." She then fed me with another pancake piece.

"Mmm! Yummy!" I exclaimed since the fact it has syrup on.

"Aww, my pwecious prince is enjoying being fed! That's so cute, Fan!" Test Tube then pinched my cheeks.

"Mmph, Testy! It hurts, stop it!" I exclaimed, trying to get off of her hands.

"But you're squishy! You're as soft as a stress ball!"

I blushed at her compliment. I don't know why but, she looks so cute pinching me. "Oh... so that's how it goes, huh?" I then pinched Test Tube's hands.

"Ow!" She then got rid of my cheeks. "Fine, I'll stop!" She pouted.

"That's better!" I said, hugging her.

"Aww, you're so adorable! Stop being so cute, honey!"

"No! I want to be a cutsey wutesy wittle boy to you!"

"Fine!" She exclaimed.

Lightbulb's POV:

I saw the two being so cute so yeah. I took a picture of them childishly fighting with each other.

"Ah! Stop that Lightbulb!" Both of them exclaimed.

"Nope! But seriously, you two are so cute together!" I said.

"Shut up!" Test Tube yelled at me.

"Nope! Never!" I ran away to share the news to Paintbrush.

"Huh?" Paintbrush asked me. "What's that?"

"Pictures of Fanny and Testy being cute lovebirds!"

"Aww!" Paintbrush exclaimed, teasing Fan and Test Tube. "You two are sooo so cute together, especially you, Fan!" Paintbrush then pinched Fan's cheeks.

"Stop it, Paintbrush!"

"Okay, fine I'll stop." Paintbrush then got off of his cheeks.

"Can I take a picture of you two again?" I asked the two.


"What's that? A yes? Okay, then!" So I took a picture of them and then posted it on everywhere.

"Lightbulb, why are you like this?" Fan asked me.

"What's wrong, Fan? Don't like being teased?" I asked, pinching him.



And then, the three of us pinch Fan together.

~700 words. You're welcome.

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