Caught in 4k!

941 7 65

It's 8:30. There's another party going on but this time they removed alcoholic drinks because OJ doesn't want another mess in the hotel. Trophy is there only to play Super Smash with Knife. Pickle is just chilling, watching them like he doesn't care at all.

Paintbrush is mad at Fan for being called a demiguy

"Again, Fan... I'm a non-binary" Paintbrush loses his temper and gets his bristles spontaneously combust

"Jeez, Painty why are you mad about it? There's no such thing as non-binary" Fan said, nervously

"Oh shut it" Paintbrush then walks away

"What a sensitive lad" Fan murmurs to himself "I wonder where Test Tube is..."

"Are you worried your girlfriend is gone?" Lightbulb teases Fan

"Stop it, Lightbulb"

"Aww come on you are obviously worried for her" Lightbulb adds

"Well yeah... I am a bit worried for her" Fan quietly said

"A bit? That's not how you love your girlfriend isn't it?" Lightbulb playfully asked

"Fine! I am worried for her..." Fan answered "Can we party?"

Spoiled Lemon is performing singing the entirety of American Idiot (album)

Test Tube came in "Sorry I was gone so long" she then nervously laughs "I was just busy with things..."

"Oh okay" Fan sighed in relief "I thought you were dead or something..."

"Hey Fan?"

"Yes, Test Tube?"

"Can we go to our room in this hotel?"

"Uh... Sure?"

Fan and Test Tube then go to their room and she closed the door

"Let's do something fun!" Test Tube said to him

"Uh I uh- uhm..." Fan stammers, blushing

"Do you want to play with me?" Test Tube asks

"Sigh okay... Fine... Let's do what we're going to do... Cuddling..."

"There's more than that!" Test Tube winks

"Making out!? Okay! Fine!" Fan kisses Test Tube before they start doing it.

"I... Love you, Fan..."

"I love you too... Sweetheart..."

Lightbulb feels suspicious about the two so she thought of entering their door. She noticed that the door wasn't locked this whole time

Lightbulb enters the room "What are you two doing?"

Fan and Test Tube are frozen in fear that the fact they're both caught

"Oh uh... We were-"

"About to make out?" Lightbulb cuts Test Tube's sentence


"Why didn't you lock the door?" Fan asks


One day later

Lightbulb is at Fan and Test Tube's room at the hotel discussing with the two of them "So, last night you two got caught about to do some things that I won't even dare talk about... and who thought of this?"

Fan and Test Tube point at each other



"So it was Test Tube or Fan?"

"Test Tube!" Fan answered

"Ugh Fan's such a jeebweezer" Test Tube murmurs to herself

"Sorry" Fan said

"So, Test Tube I want you to do something"

"What?" Test Tube asks Lightbulb in an annoyed tone

"Never mind, guys!"

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