Sick Day...

391 3 23

(takes place two weeks after Cosplay Party!)

Test Tube is at her lab, doing stuff like, fixing Bot's circuits, and coding her again and stuff. She called Fan on the phone for help. Fan answered the call

"Hey, Fan?"

"Ugh... achoo yeah?" Fan sounded not okay here

"Oh... Uhm... Fan?" Test Tube sounded concerned for him right there btw "you good?"

"Oh... I'm fine... Vomits... Augh... I feel... Not good, actually... Coughing"

"Oh my gosh... Fan! I'm coming right away!"

"Augh... Help..." Fan vomits on the floor again

Test Tube hung up the call

Test Tube ran to the hotel to try and look for him

She knocked on the door "Hey Fan? It's me, Test Tube... Is the door open?"

Fan was nauseous "Augh... Achoo... Yeah..."

"Oh my gosh..." She opened the door "oh my... Fan! Why are you lying at the floor!? Are you okay!?" Test Tube noticed that Fan couldn't stand up either.

"Ugh... I don't feel so... Well..."

"Don't worry, honey... I'm here." She carried Fan to tuck him on bed "so uh... Tell me what happened how you got sick... I feel concerned for you, honey."

"It's just that..." Fan felt scared to say it

"Go on?"

"I wasn't... Feeding myself well... I just... Don't feel like eating but..."

"Why weren't you eating?" Test Tube starts to feel anxious

"Because... I'm... I couldn't handle much food to eat and... I... I really don't like to eat that much..."

"You should be eating and... Let me just... Get you some medicine." Test Tube went to the cupboard and suddenly thought for a moment "or... I could make you some soup to help you."

"I'm sorry, Test Tube... I don't really put concerns on my own health because I was busy with a lot of things..."

"No, it's okay... It's all right. Just don't... Put yourself to danger again, honey..." Test Tube gives him a thermometer. "Let's see your temperature..."

1 minute later

"Let's check it, Fan." She took the thermometer and gasped in shock "oh... Oh my gosh... 38.8 Degrees!?"

Fan felt scared that he hid himself in a blanket "I'm so sorry, Test Tube! Please don't hurt me!"

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you... But... How did you get a fever?"

"Because... I've been always... Using the AC..." Fan admitted

"Oh... That's not an okay thing to do... Wait let me get you the soup I've made." She stopped heating the soup. "Here you go, hun, drink up." Test Tube comforts him.

Fan drank the soup "it's good..." His voice is still scratchy and raspy by the way

"Here's a blanket if you're cold." she then wrapped the blanket around him

"Thanks... Test Tube..." Fan starts to feel a bit okay now

"Look, Fan. Just don't use the Aircon a lot, don't even starve yourself... Okay? I'm worried about you..." Test Tube kisses Fan on the cheek

"Thanks... I promise I'll feed myself..."

"I'll go get the medicine now." She took a pill and took a glass of water and gave it to Fan "drink up..."

Fan took the pill and drank some water "I'll be well, I promise..."

"You could go ahead and sleep for rest. You deserve it." Test Tube then closed the lights and closed the door for Fan.

Fan thought of himself "man... Am I neglecting my own body? I shouldn't do that... Even though I'm a busy person..."

Fan fell asleep.

Lightbulb saw Test Tube "uhm... What happened there?"

Test Tube went to her "Lightbulb... Sigh it's... A long story... Don't startle him, but you could take a peek on what happened to him. But I'm coming with you."

Lightbulb and Test Tube went to their room and she showed and explained to Lightbulb that Fan is sick

"Oh... Wow... Poor Fan..." Lightbulb starts to feel bad for him

Test Tube scratches her shoulder "Yeah... I know... It's a sad story... He also accepted that it's also his fault for hurting his own health and... Yeah... Just don't... Startle his sleep, okay?"

"Okay... I won't startle him, I will not!" Lightbulb said

"Shh! Don't be so loud, there... You'll wake him up..." Test Tube checked their room to see if Fan is still asleep "whew... He's still asleep there... He easily gets mad when somebody interrupts his sleep, you know?"

"Oh, is that so? Well, okay then." Lightbulb walked away

"Have a good rest, Fan... Sweet dreams, love..." Test Tube closes the door for him to have a peaceful sleep.

Oh wow... 750 words? That's nice

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