The museum

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We walked inside and we saw an open room, full of old books and structures. I recognized some of them, but others were new to me. I saw some flags on the walls, and some maps that looked like they showed the entire world. I was very impressed by the show of items and artifacts in here. I saw an automobile in a glass case, and there was a stand in front which told me what it was and who made it. The automobile was one you would see in the present time, but the panel said that it was an antique, and the first car ever made. I was happy to know that some people wanted to preserve the past. I also found big capsules that apparently could fly high into the sky. I could go on and on about what I saw. Eventually I found a touch with string wrapped around it. I now had something to light my way when I did decide to climb down the wells. I looked around some more and found an old revolver. It looked like it could still work after all these years. I quickly looked around for some bullets. I didn't find any, but then I thought about checking the revolver itself, and thankfully it had three bullets already loaded in it. I decided to use one to test it. I pointed at the wall and pulled the trigger. A loud bang filled the room that made both me and Wenna jump. I looked and saw the bullet imbedded in the wall. The gun worked! I looked to Wenna, and I noticed the loud noise scared her a lot. I felt guilty for scaring her like that and apologized for scaring her. After a while, we had explored through the whole museum and we decided to head back to our home. While walking back, I noticed how it was already almost evening. I completely lost track of time while in the museum.

We started walking a little faster. I didn't want to be left in the darkness of the forest, and neither did Wenna. I didn't see any small mountains that we could climb to stay safe around us. We kept walking, and the sun soon started to set. I knew we couldn't make it back to the building in the dark. I didn't want to run into the Morlocks at night. So we stoped and gathered firewood. I then took out a match box I found from the museum and lit the wood. It created a beautiful blaze, and Wenna enjoyed the warmth and sight of the fire. In fact, she was mesmerized by it. She looked as if she hadn't seen anything like it before. She then reached her hand out and tried to touch the fire. I grabbed her hand and pulled it away from the fire. I tried to explain that it would hurt her, and she understood me. She seemed to be pretty smart and learning how to communicate with me fairly quickly. I had actually grown quite fond of her and was thinking about taking her with me to present day London if I did get my Time Machine back. I wouldn't mind taking care of her and teaching her. It seemed like it could be an enjoyable experience to me. Just then we both heard rustling in the bushes. We looked around and saw eyes looking at us from the darkness. Wenna started getting scared and held on to me tightly. I wasn't sure what to do myself. The fire was keeping them away from us, but would it last long enough for the sun came back up? I had to make sure that they wouldn't attack us during the night. I then had a crazy idea. I refused it a couple times in my mind, but then I decided to do it anyways. I lit a match, and threw it into the darkness

The bushes started to burn, and the Morlocks ran off from the fire. I grab Wennas hand and we ran off. My plan work, and the Morlocks were more scared and focused on the fire than us. The fire behind us then spread to the trees and created a bright wall of flames. Wenna looked both scared and amazed at the sight, as we kept running through the forest. We didn't run far from the fire though, because we still needed to stay within its light to stay safe from the Morlocks. But then one Morlock ran into us. It was running with its eyes closed and it knocked both of us to the ground. Wenna tried to help me up, but just as she got me to my feet, a big burning branch fell between us. I was trapped between the branch and the fire behind us. I saw some Morlocks try to approach behind Wenna. I didn't want them to get her so I quickly brought out the touch I got from the museum and lit it. I threw it to Wenna and she caught it. I yelled to her to run home. she understood me, and started to run back home with the torch in her hands, the fire keeping the Morlocks away from her. I was happy she was safe, but now I focused on my situation. The fire behind me was getting closer, and there was a branch blocking my way. I noticed it wasn't that tall, and I could try to jump over it. I waited for the branch to burn some more, then I stepped back a little, getting myself prepared for the jump. I then started to run towards the branch and I jumped as high as I could over it. I saw the flaming branch underneath me, and I felt the heat from its flames. I then hit the ground and rolled onto my back. I quickly got up and ran as fast as I could towards home.

While running through the forest, I no longer saw any Morlocks, not even in the dark areas of the forest. They must have gone back down their wells. I continued to run through the forest, not stoping for a second. I was determined to make it back and see if Wenna was ok. If anything happened had happened to her, I'd never forgive myself. Eventually after an hour of running I finally started to see the building. I was tired and exhausted, but I still ran towards it. Eventually I finally made it to the building. I walked in and looked in the rooms that the Eloi were sleeping in. I didn't find her. I went up to the table room and got myself some fruit. While eating I started to think to myself. What if the Morlocks captured Wenna? Or did something even worse to her. As much as I wanted to find her, I was just too tired and I needed some sleep. I didn't want to sleep or rest, but then I just got too tired, and I fell asleep with my head laying on the table. I woke up the next morning and looked through the stained glass roof above me. I saw that the sun was almost in the middle of the sky. I had slept through the whole morning, and now it was almost the middle of the day! I immediately got up and went outside. I ran around the fields and areas that she might be in. I even checked the river where I first met her, but I didn't find her. I checked along the paths that we had explored together, and then I check the path we took that lead to the green building. At the beginning of the path I saw something in the bushes. I picked it up and found it was the torch that I gave to her. She definitely made it back. But where was she?

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