Stolen property

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I dashed back to the big building where they had taken me when I first arrived. I ran in and looked around. I eventually found a room where they were sleeping. They were all huddled together on soft pillows on the floor. I gently woke some of them up asking. "Where is my Time Machine?" They seem confused and didn't care about what I was asking. I guess I wouldn't care either if I was them. I felt a bit foolish for asking, because I knew they didn't steal it. They didn't care about it. I ran out of the building and went to search for my Time Machine. I then heard the people yelling at me. They seemed frightened, and looked like they were trying to warn me of something. I had no idea what they were saying, but when I turned around and looked into the forest ahead of me, I saw a human like creature staring back at me. It's eyes glowed in the dark and it appeared to have white fur on its body. It then scurried into the forest. I now knew what they were trying to warn me about, and I was just about as scared as them now. I cautiously walked back to the building. Yes I needed to find my Time Machine, but I had no idea what those creatures were, and if they were friendly or not. I walked back in the room and laid down on the pillows. I started to remember something that scared me a little. The front of my Time Machine was buried in a small hump. Even I couldn't move it. What ever did move it must have been incredibly strong. As worried as I was, I told myself I should go to sleep and worry about it tomorrow. The next morning I woke up before everyone else. I then walked out and went to the statue again.

I walked back to the statue and looked for a way to get in. I tried knocking on it. When I did I heard that the inside was hollow, so there definitely was a room inside. I tried banging rocks against it. But they barely made any dents. Two people from the building walked up to me, and I tried to ask them how to get in. They seemed to get upset about the statue. It looked like they knew I was trying to get in, and they didn't like it. They then walked away from me. I got a little mad and wanted to force them to tell me, but I resisted. I needed to find another way in, and to do that, I needed to learn more about this world. So I started to explore around the world some more. While exploring I found some fields with wells in them. I found this puzzling. If no one worked, what were the wells used for? I walked up to one and looked down it. They seemed to be pretty deep, and there was a ladder on the inner wall of the well. Could these lead to underground tunnels? I then started to hear something inside the well. It sounded like big machines. Were there some factories underground? It would explain why I didn't see any on the surface, and how the people here always seem to have clean clothing. But who was running them? I thought back to the creature I saw last night. Maybe they run the factories? It was a possibility. I was very tempted to climb down the well, but I knew I was ready or prepared yet. I needed to wait and learn more about this world before climbing down into the depths of the unknown. I began to explore some more, and I then found a little river where the people were bathing and playing in.

I watched as they seemed to play carelessly in the river. Not worrying about any wild animals or fish. But then I heard someone scream. I looked to see that one of them was caught in a fast part of the river and was being carried downstream. I looked and saw that none of the people did anything. They just kept playing, so I rushed down and jumped in after them. I caught up to them and grabbed them. I carried them to the shore and set them down. I saw now that it was a young girl. I tried to ask if she was ok, and surprisingly she seemed to understand me, because she nodded her head and said something. I didn't understand it, but it sounded like she was grateful. She seemed fine now so I said goodbye to her and went on my way. While walking through the fields I heard someone following me. I looked and saw that the same girl was following me. She was holding some beautiful flowers in her hands, and she gave them to me. From then on she began following me wherever I went. It was nice knowing I wasn't alone anymore. Now I had a little companion to travel with. She didn't come with me on all my hikes though. I was afraid she wouldn't be able to take all the walking so I made her stay at the building. She wasn't very happy when I did this, but we both felt happy when I came back. It made me feel like I had a home. Soon I tried talking and communicating with her, and I got to understand some things about them. For one thing they call themselves Eloi. It seems people of the future may have made another name for human? I'm not sure. But she then told me her name was Wenna. I was glad that I was getting able to understand them.

While staying at the building some more, I noticed that the Eloi never liked to sleep alone. They always huddled together. They seemed to be afraid of the dark, and the creature that I saw that one night. I started to wonder what it could be. No animal in my time looked like that, not even monkeys. What could it be? I didn't know, but as I asked myself that question, the sun started to set and I decided to get inside and go to sleep. This was my third night in this future time. I still had to find who took my Time Machine, and get out of this time period. I then drifted off into a deep sleep. the next day I tried taking Wenna to the wells to see if she could tell me anything about them. As we got there, she started to get scared by them, and tried to pull me away from them by tugging on my jacket. It seemed her and the Eloi were afraid of them, But why? Did the creature I saw that one night come out of them? Or maybe there was more creatures. This idea scared me, the thought of more ghost like creatures climbing out of the wells at night certainly wasn't a pleasant thought. I asked her about it more and I found out that the creatures were called Morlocks. I tried to get her to explain more but she started to cry, so I stoped. I wanted to climb down one of them and see what was down there, but if I was going to do so I would need proper equipment. I needed to explore some more. I started to walk back to the building with her. I then spotted a tall green building in the distance. It looked interesting to me. I saw what time it was by looking at the sun, and I figured that we had enough time to walk there and back. Wenna seemed to be ok with it too, so we started to walk to the building.

We walked through the forest, hearing some animals scamper around us in the bushes. While walking, Wenna got startled by a squirrel that jumped down from a tree above and ran into the bushes beside us. I comforted her and tried to tell her not to be afraid of it. She seemed to understand me and we kept walking. While we walked, Wenna picked up a lot of beautiful flowers and such from the bushes around us. She always seemed to be confused about what the pockets on my jacket were for. she figured that they were for holding flowers, so she placed some flowers in them. I didn't mind and I found it quite funny honestly. Eventually it started to get dark before we could reach the building. It was actually farther than I thought, so I decided we should just camp for the night. Wenna was very scared of the dark forest around us, so I took her to a small mountain nearby. I climbed up it with her and we rested on the top of it. She felt better when we were up high and away from the forest. She then started to get sleepy, so I took off my jacket and wrapped it around her. She gave me a sweet smile before heading off to sleep. The next morning we woke up to a beautiful sunrise. After a bit of watching and admiring the view, we went down and continued our trip to the green building. After about an hour and a half of walking, we finally made it to the building, and to my surprise it was actually a museum! I was so happy to see it, now I could probably learn more about what happened to this world and the events that lead up to it! I grab Wenna by the hand and we both walked inside the building.

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