Rescue mission

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I then walked over to the field of wells. I looked down one well and thought to myself, if the Morlocks had taken her, they must have taken her into the darkness of their wells. I had a torch and some matches, along with a revolver. I still wanted to see if I could find some more things around me, but then I told myself that I needed to go down there now. So I put one foot over the edge of the well, and started to climb down it. There was a metal ladder embedded on the inside of the well. It was small and obviously not mean't for me, but I carried on and climbed down into the darkness. It had been a good five minutes before I reached the bottom of the well. In front of me was a tunnel, and I heard the big machines more clearly now. I walked down it carefully, until I saw some glowing eyes look back at me. I immediately grabbed my torch and lit it. I had wrapped some more cloth and vines around it before going in so it could burn longer. The Morlocks then ran off into the tunnel while making noises that sounded like scared animals. I laughed a bit at this, but continued to walk down the tunnel. I eventually made it to a big cavern. It was dark and the light of my torch didn't reach all the way to the other side. I saw big machines around me. They were pretty loud and looked to be making things like clothes and sandals. The Morlocks were making stuff for the Eloi. But why were the Eloi afraid of them? Wouldn't that mean they should be the masters? I then quickly thought back to the workers in London. They worked and mined to create new city's and railroads. Eventually they must have gone more and more underground until they became, literal cave men!

I looked to my side and saw a Morlock in the shadows. My torch was able to give me a clear view of how they looked. They looked like animals. They had white fur on them and had claws almost like that of a bird, but their faces were human. They still looked a little animalistic but I could tell it was a human face. What happened to them? Even being underground for so long could never turn them into this. I then heard footsteps behind me. I whipped around and held my torch in front of me. A Morlock had tried to sneak up on me but it quickly backed away. These creatures were getting braver. I had to find Wenna quick! I carefully but quickly walked about the place, trying to find where they might be keeping her. I then yelled her name, and it echoed throughout the whole cavern. The Morlocks backed away from me when I yelled. I then heard a yell in the distance. It was Wenna! I followed the direction the sound came from, while also scaring away the Morlocks with my torch. Eventually I reached an old cage that was built into the wall of the cavern, and Wenna was inside! She looked so over joyed to see me, and I felt just the same. But finding her made me let my guard down for a moment, and a Morlock came up from behind me and grabbed at me, it's claws dug into my jacket and almost into my skin. I wrestled with the Morlock and tried to get myself free. Some more Morlocks started to approach me. They were starting to get very brave and the torch didn't scare them that much anymore. I then heard Wenna yell to me, and heard her imitate a "Boom" noise. At first I was confused, but then I remembered the revolver I had. She was telling me to use it!

I tried to reach into my pocket and grab the gun, I grabbed it and was able to aim it at the floor and fire it. The shot of the gun made a loud bang that echoed through the cavern. The Morlocks yelled and fear and dashed back into the darkness. I immediately ran to Wennas cage and tried to unlock it. The lock was hard to open, and I could have used the gun to open it, but I only had one bullet left, and I didn't want to waste it. I tried at the lock some more and I finally got it open! I opened the cage door and Wenna immediately ran out and hugged me. I heard her softly cry a little. She must have been so scared, and me being here to save her must have been a blessing for her. I immediately grabbed her hand and ran out with her, our torch lighting our way and keeping the Morlocks at bay. I saw the tunnel that lead back to the well, and I ran faster while still holding Wennas hand. But then my foot hit a bump on the floor, which sent us both tumbling to the floor. I dropped the torch and it rolled away from us. The Morlocks then started to surround us. They grabbed at me and Wenna. I yelled at them and tried to get free, but they just laughed at me in a creepy animal like manner, like they knew I was helpless and afraid. I remembered the last bullet in my gun, and I tried to grab it out. But when I did a Morlock grabbed at my arm and held it down. I couldn't shoot at the floor again. They had gotten braver and I didn't know if they would be afraid of it again. I then looked up at the machines in the room, and on one of the machines I saw a tank with a label on it. Thankfully the torch didn't roll too far from us and I could read the label. It said "Gasoline".

I remembered that gasoline was flammable, and if it ignited the Morlocks would definitely be afraid of it. I tried even harder to move my hand up to the tank. I was able to get it high enough and I took the shot. The loud sound echoed through the cavern again, and the Morlocks scurried back from us, but they quickly recovered and came back at us. I saw the bullet didn't ignite the gasoline, but it had made a hole which the gasoline was leaking out of, so I quickly grabbed the torch and I threw it at the tank. The fire ignited the gasoline and the room lit up into a bright orange. The tank was now full of fire and the machine started to creak and smoke, before exploding and sending pieces throughout the cavern. The flaming pieces from the machine hit other machines, and they start to catch on fire too. The Morlocks were now in a fit of panic and they yelled like scared animals. I grabbed Wennas hand and we ran down the tunnel. We got to the ladder and I let her climb first up the ladder, and I climbed up after her. I looked down and heard more explosions happen as we climbed up. I also felt the vibrations in the well. Wenna almost lost her grip from the vibrations, but she quickly recovered. We finally got to the top of the well and climbed out. We both laid on the ground and looked at each other. After a moment of catching our breath, we started to laugh a little at the crazy adventure we just had. Just then the ground rumbled and cracked beneath us. The exploding machines must have caused the ground to give in. I grab Wennas hand again and we ran out of the field of wells. When we looked back we saw the ground collapse and create a big hole in the ground.

Me and Wenna watched as the hole became deeper, before it finally hit the bottom and the ground settled. Smoke and dust came up from the hole, and everything became calm. We looked down at it some more to see if any Morlocks escaped or made it out. I then heard Wenna say "Wow." While looking at the big hole. Her reaction made me laugh, and I gave her a little Pat on the head. We then started to walk back to our home. On the way I started to think. The Morlocks were making clothing and such for the Eloi, they might have also got the fruit for them as well. But why did they do that? They seemed like creatures who would immediately attack the Eloi. Why did they capture Wenna? I then thought that the answer might be simple, and that maybe they couldn't stop doing it, because they were used to it and knew they had to do it. We have habits that we ourselves don't like, but sometimes we can't get rid of them. Maybe the Morlocks had a habit of making new clothes for the Eloi and giving them food, but if they got the chance they would attack them. It seemed to make sense to me, but there was probably some other reasons for their behavior that I didn't know yet. At least by destroying the underground factory, the Eloi could probably learn to work and learn for themselves. If I still couldn't find my Time Machine, perhaps I could teach the Eloi to fend for themselves and to learn new skills. I liked the idea and felt like I would have a good purpose here. We then made it back to the building. I looked over to the statue used to be, and I saw that the metal doors were open. And inside was my Time Machine!

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