A new world

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I didn't walk far from the machine before I saw a building. It was big and round. it looked old, and I saw that vegetation had been growing on it. It had windows, and as I looked at them, I saw people! I then started to head towards the building, but I found I didn't really need to as the people came to me! They looked different than the humans nowadays. They were smaller, and looked thinner than usual. I thought they were children, but I found that they were actually full grown adults as I looked at them closer! The man and woman didn't have much differences either. They all wore the same type of robe with a belt. Some had sandals on too. It was hard to tell them apart also because they had almost no differences in appearance. The men had similar figures to the woman and children. One walked up to me. He was wearing a purple robe and he walked quite gracefully. He looked at me and I looked at him. He then smiled and laughed at me. I saw that he knew I wasn't a threat, and I was kind of relieved he didn't. After all, I was way different than what they were used to seeing. He turned to the others and said something to them in a strange language. I didn't understand it, but it sounded very pleasant and calming. Some gathered around me and seem to ask me about things. Unfortunately I didn't understand them so I didn't know if I should speak or not. They examined me and said whispers to themselves. They reminded me of little animals, and I quite enjoyed it for a time. I then decided to try and speak to them. I bent down and tried communicating in the most simplest way possible to them.

I pointed to the sun and back to me while saying things to try and make them understand that I was from another time. One girl pointed up and seemed to ask something, before making a sound that sounded like thunder. Was she asking if I came down from the sun in a thunderstorm? I began to notice how unintelligent these beings were. Or at least how unintelligent they seemed to me. Maybe if I could understand their language, I could learn if they had developed in the fields of science and technology. I tried to communicate with them again, but they didn't seem to understand me. One girl came towards me and gave me a necklace made of beautiful flowers. I tried to thank her, and thankfully she understood what I said. One of the grabbed my hand and took me to the building. As I got closer I could see just how old this building was. It puzzled me why these people didn't try to repair it. As we went inside, more of them greeted me and danced around me in their colorful robes. I felt out of place with my dark brown suit. I was then brought into a big room. It had stained glass on the ceiling, and shiny stone tables set around. The tables also had bowls of fruit, both common and uncommon to me, on them. I saw the floor was made of metal too. It looked worn from all the people that had walked on it through the years. They lead me to a table and we sat down on some cushions around the table. I began to eat the fruit, and was happy to know that the apples and grapes of the future still tasted the same. Afterwards I then tried to see if I could understand the people by holding up a fruit and asking about it. But no one understood me.

I then decided to take a walk outside, and explore this world some more. As I walked through the fields, I felt as if I was in a whole new world. I saw plants and trees that I didn't recognize, and hills that seemed to stretch for miles. I didn't feel like I was in London anymore, to me this was somewhere new. I noticed something strange about the world of the future though. There were no houses or little homes. Everyone lived together in those big buildings. I also noticed that there didn't seem to be jobs in the future. Everyone lived freely and no place to be. But if no one worked then how did they get their clothes? And where did they get the fruit? There always seemed to be fresh fruit at their tables. I then started to climb a small mountain. I saw that some of the people tried to follow me, but they gave up pretty quickly as they tried to climb the mountain. When I made it to the top I found a metal bench. I sat on it and looked out at the sun which was beginning to set. This new world was beautiful. There were no factories or shops. It was only nature as far as I could see. No body was mean to each other, and no body got sick from at least what I could see. They all lived in peace with one another. As I looked up to the sky, I saw it was a clear night, and the stairs shined so brightly above me. This world was a paradise, but at what cost? No body worked. No body looked different. No body had any hobbies or professions even. They just played, danced, and ate. Nothing more. Life was easy. too easy. It bothered me how they didn't need to learn anything to live. I couldn't imagine life without learning.

I always thought that humans of the future would build and create better things. Always advancing and developing new technologies. But in the far future it seems we stopped working, and we began to deteriorate and turn into primitive beings. Who didn't want to work or do anything that became the slightest bit difficult. It was a paradise yes. But for me it felt like a sad life. I still hoped though that there was some more intelligent people on this future world. And if there was, I was determined to find them. I got off the bench and hiked down the small mountain. The moon was starting to rise and the sky became black. I walked around till I found a big statue situated on a big chamber like cube. It had a metal door on the front, but I couldn't open it. I then noticed that the grass looked like something was dragged on it. I looked closer and saw that the impressions left in the grass looked like a giant rectangle base that was pushed into the chamber. I looked around and saw the trees and the view from the chamber. It looked familiar to me. I then walked to the spot where the big rectangle object was at, which wasn't far from the statue. I looked at the view some more, and realized that this was where my Time Machine was! Something had moved it into the chamber! I ran to the metal door of the chamber and banged on it. I tried to open it, but I failed. I couldn't open the door, and multiple thoughts started to cloud my mind. What if I couldn't get it back? Am I going to be stuck here forever? And why did someone take my Time Machine? I knew it couldn't be the people of the future. They're too weak to carry it, so who did it?

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