Back to the past

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I threw my arms up in the air and yelled out of joy. I had finally gotten my Time Machine back. Wenna probably had no idea what I was doing, but she acted happy with me, and followed me as I ran down to the statue. As I ran to it however, I considered the possibility that this was a trap. I put my hand on Wenna and pushed her back a little. I told her to stay there. she understood me and waited in her spot, as I walked closer to the open chamber. I carefully walked in and looked around. It seemed safe enough, so I looked back at Wenna and gave her a friendly smile. But before I could raise my hand up and gesture for her to come inside, the metal doors shut closed between us, and the room grew dark. I then saw glowing eyes start to appear around me. I had walked right into a trap. I quickly grabbed a match and lit it. I saw the Time Machine in front of me, but I also saw the Morlocks approaching me. They were no longer afraid of the fire. I quickly dashed into my machine and took the lever out of my pocket. I tried to place it in its socket but the Morlocks grabbed at me and held my hand back. I threw the match at one of them and its fur lit on fire. It's yelling made the other Morlocks back off a little, just enough for me to place the lever in place and push the lever. I pushed the lever pretty fast, and the Time Machine shook violently. The chamber around me turned into a bright blur and I felt a slight gust of wind as my machine traveled fast through time. I noticed that everything started to deconstruct, and the fields started to disappear. The area started to turn into a desert. I quickly realized that I had pushed the lever forward, and was now traveling farther into the future.

I stoped the Time Machine and I found myself in a cold desert. I looked at the dials and they said I was in the year nine million! I looked at the dials in shock, and then looked around my surroundings more. I saw nothing but a dead desert. No life at all. I then heard a low rumbling noise. I looked up and saw a gigantic ship of some kind. It was a metallic black and looked to be at least a couple miles long. It then made a pulsing noises that got faster and faster, and the lights started to intensify on it as well. The ship started to glow, and then it disappeared, and a loud boom filled the air. It kicked up sand onto me and I had to cover my face with my jacket. Eventually everything settled and I took my jacket down from my face. What was that? Had humanity made ships that could fly in the future? I had never seen anything like it. But why did they leave? I looked around the desert some more and I then came to a conclusion. The earth had probably become old, and it could no longer support life. thinking about how much time I've passed through in just a matter of minutes made me a little sick. Not only that, but the air was very thin. I could hardly breath. I Then decided to go back to the present. I pulled the lever back and the area around me got blurry again. Time went backwards and I saw all the events I had previously saw when I was going forward in time. The dials were getting closer to 1894 so I slowed the Time Machine down, and I eventually found myself in my workshop, but I was on the other side of the room, because the Morlocks moved my Time Machine. I then got out and walked to the dining room, And you know the rest."

We all looked at the Time Traveler as he finished his incredible story. He then drank some water to refresh his throat. "I must say. That is a very fascinating story. You should write a book about it." The Time Traveler laughed at this remark and said "I take it you don't believe me?" "I mean I don't mean to be rude my good man, but that story is the most wild one I've ever heard! It's pretty difficult to believe a story like that." The Time Traveler then reached into his pocket and pulled out a strange flower. He gave it to the doctor and asked. "Can you identify this flower? I understand you know quite a bit about plants." The doctor nodded at him to confirm that he did. He inspected the flower, and after a moment the doctor said. "I've never seen anything like it.. where did you get it?" The Time Traveler looked down for a moment and said. "Wenna gave it to me." "Ah," the doctor said in reply. "Well may I keep it?" "No." The Time Traveler said simply. He then grabbed back the flower and tucked it in the chest pocket of his jacket. After a while it came time for us to leave. The editor and writer didn't seem interested in his story, and thought he was just mad. While everyone left, I stayed and saw the Time Traveler walk back into his workshop. I saw him carrying a camera and some equipment. I peaked through the door and saw him preparing to leave. I knew he was going to go back to Wenna and the Eloi to help teach them. "Hey." I said calmly as I walked through the door. He then looked at me and saw that I'd been watching him. "You're going to make a wonderful future my friend." I said to him. He smiled at me and said. "Thank you Hillyer."

And with that, he pushed the lever forward on his Time Machine, and he started to turn into a blur before my eyes, before eventually disappearing completely. I walked out of the workshop and the maid bid me farewell. It's been a year now since I've seen him. But I still have hope that one day he'll come back, and perhaps show me what he's done with the world in the future. I still remember what the editor said that night. That this story would make a great book. Who knows, maybe it will. Maybe it will inspire people to make a better future, or to create wonderful things. Maybe this book will survive through the ages, and the time traveler will find it and read it. I'm hoping that he does, even if it's a small chance.

If you're reading this Wilcom Hannen. I hope you are doing well, and I hope you decide to drop by sometime.

Your friend, Mr. Hillyer. Aug 28th 1895

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