Day 26- Break(Yandere Rise Raph x Reader)

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CW: Kidnapping, obsessive behavior, delusions, kidnapping, chained to a weight, loss of freedom, loss of personal rights, physical abuse, being slapped, yandere themes, dark themes

You were running your mouth again. Raph's fists curl as he tries to stay calm, his blood boiling just below the surface. Despite everything he's done for you, everything he's sacrificed, you're still running your mouth. He watches as your face puffs up while you tug at the chains he borrowed from Mikey that were keeping you stuck to the weight you had no chance of picking up. It was a hundred pounds over your limit, something Raph made sure of. He was tired of you leaving, tired of you running away and putting yourself in danger that he tried so hard to keep you out of. He could feel his temper rising as you continue to huff about the precautions you proved were necessary, acting like a brat despite how well he's treated you thus far.

Never once had he raised a hand towards you despite how many times he felt you truly deserved it. Never once had he mistreated you, always making sure you were comfortable and as happy as you could be in your transition to your life with him. You were his angel, his perfect doll. There was nothing you could do that would make him truly upset with you. Or, well, that's what he thought.

His jaw ticks to the side as he tries to hold back his explosive anger, his eyes narrowing while you continue to insult him with every breath. You were so small compared to him, yet you still refused to back down. His hands were bigger than your face, and could easily snap you in half. He desperately tries to chase those thoughts away, but watching you spew curses and lies out of your precious mouth just made him furious. Here you were, sitting on his bed that he so lovingly made for you and kept to your liking. Here you were, with his clothes around your shoulders after you complained of the cold. And here you were, still acting like you were owed the world after he already gave it to you. He didn't want to get mad at you, he never did, but you were making it so hard for him.

"Shut up." Raph finally says, his eyes narrowed while he watches you. You don't apologize like he hoped. You don't even shrink back or go silent. Instead, a scowl spreads over your face as you stare at him, pure disgust marked through your features. Raph glowers at you, wanting nothing more than to smack the look off you. He hated when you looked like that, especially when those looks were aimed at him. You were soft, a small delicate thing that should be taken care of. You should never look like that, and never even think about giving those looks to him.

"Don't tell me what to do." You hiss, your face scrunching up. Raph holds back a laugh at your expression, his eyes still dark as he continues to lean against the wall, forcing his arms to cross over your chest so he didn't lunge forward and do something he'd regret. He had to stay calm, to keep still, and convince you to be what he wanted. He needed you to be what you were before, his friend that while tempered, was soft and kind to him. He would do anything to get that back.

Raph continues to stare you down, not letting you stand up to him. His temper continues to grow as he looks at you, unable to hold himself back. Your smug face and recent behavior was driving him over the edge, every nitpick digging into his skin like knives. You were cutting through the carefully built wall he made for you, crashing it down with your bulldozer of an attitude. He takes a slow breath, trying to clear his mind so he doesn't yell at you again. He hated yelling at you.

"As long as I'm here to keep you safe, you're stopping that- that... Ugh, I don't even know what to call it. But you can't insult Raph anymore." He says, his face dropping to a frown. He really did just want to protect you, to keep you safe from the world you expressed hatred for so many times. From your classes that led to you crying in his arms, and the people on the street who'd pick at you or just mess up your day, he was always there. He's still there for you, just now he's gotten rid of the problem. "I'm keeping you safe."

You scoff, rolling your eyes. The small action makes Raph tense, his anger boiling over as he steams. You were pushing your limit, and he was slowly snapping. He needed you to just give in and stop, but you were truly pushing the limits of his anger. Everything was building up, and you had used every ounce of patience he had left in the short months you were here.

"Last I checked, kidnapping me and stripping me of my freedoms doesn't count as safe." You sneer. Raph bites his cheek, keeping himself from snapping back at you. His muscles were tense, his arms even bigger than usual from how taut he was holding them. Every bit of his person was inflated with anger, his head throbbing from the pressure building.

"Maybe if you stopped being such a brat, you'd get more freedom." He says slowly, like he was talking to a small child. His voice was syrup while he spoke, the words drizzling over you as if it would make the past months of mental abuse forgivable.

"Maybe I wouldn't be such a brat if you weren't such a bi-"

Your words are cut short by the resounding smack that echoes through the small room. Your eyes instantly tear from the hit, Raph quickly pulling his hand back from your face. You bring your hand up to your mouth as you bite down on the meat of your palm, trying desperately not to cry. Raph takes a step back, stunned by what he did. He looks at his hand, then at the matching mark on your face, the hit taking up your entire face. His anger quickly dissipates while guilt takes over, your small sniffles breaking his heart. He didn't mean to hit you, his hands quickly shoved behind his back before he shuffles over to your shaking form. You flinch back from him when he approaches, your eyes wide as saucers and full of fear.

He feels sick while looking at you, his large hands cupping your bruising face despite your desperate struggles to get away. He looks down sadly, having never wanted to hurt you. It was the first thing he told you when he brought you home. He swore he would never lay a hand on you, yet here he was. Comforting you as you sob over a bruise he caused.

You're pulled into his plastron, the hard shell cool against your heated, bruised face. He tries to keep you still, knowing it wasn't the most comfortable, but he would rather cut his hand off then leave you alone. You were hurt, and it was even worse since it was his fault. He pulls you up so he could bury his face into your shoulder while ignoring your small fights, his own shoulders stooping as he mourns the first promise broken between you both. Raph silently scolds himself while rubbing your shaking back, knowing the pain he had subjected you to. You were human, a much more fragile being than him. He wasn't sure how much force he had used, but he knew it was too much. Any was too much in his opinion.

Your face was starting to swell, the right eye closed and puffy from the hit. He winces when he notices, knowing he needed to get you ice, but not willing to let you go long enough to retrieve it. So instead he stays, his body curled protectively around you. He was still trying to keep you safe, even if the only real danger now was himself.


Words: 1348

Posted: 10.26.23

A/N, not important: Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.

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