Day 8- Bite(Yandere Rise Raph x Reader)

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CW: Bite wound, hinted infantilism, yandere themes, dark themes, mention of stitches, disinfecting a wound, mention of infection

You hiss in pain as the peroxide hits your skin, the tingling burn making your eyes water. Your shoulder was sore, the teeth marks raw and bloody still, the skin around the indents bruising and swelling. You grimace, not wanting to look at them any longer, but knowing you had to clean them now lest they get infected.

"Does it hurt?" Raph asks softly, his large hands holding the rest of the supplies. He furrows his brow as he watches you clean the wounds, unable to take his eyes off the bites he caused. "Maybe I should go have Leo take a look at them."

You sigh heavily, partly wanting to agree, but also feeling very against the idea. The bites weren't small, and encased almost your entire shoulder. Having Raph be here was embarrassing enough, you didn't want or need Leo to be poking around when you were fine on your own. Hopefully.

"It's fine, they don't hurt." You barely recognize your voice as you lie, the strained tone and heavy rasp unfamiliar to you. You wet your lips with your tongue on instinct, feeling your cracked lips break more as they get touched. Raph continues to shift next to you, clearly wanting to help more but unsure what to do. You were surprised he felt bad at all. He had done it out of anger last night, his temper growing as you fought until he pulled you close and bit down on your shoulder. Your scream was loud and long, but he didn't stop, his teeth buried in your skin for what felt like hours. Each individual mark had to be thoroughly cleaned as you desperately tried to keep your face schooled into nothing more than a weak grimace lest he decide to take over. You being allowed to clean your own wounds was a privilege, a small apology from the snapper when he woke up with your blood in his mouth. You didn't want to let any of the others touch you. You weren't willing to lose this small freedom just yet.

Another dollop of blood rolls down your arm when the cotton ball catches on the forming scabs, ripping open the wound once more. Raph frowns, reaching over and attempting to wipe it away with his thumb, but only manages to smear it across your skin. He sighs, wetting one of the cotton balls and takes your arm, stopping you from continuing the cleaning. He wipes at the blood until your skin is clear once more, his hands itching for more to do. He was itching to take over, your eyes staring down at his twitching hands. It was impressive he held back for so long already.

"I should get Leo." He grumbles again, his eyes fixated on the indents. You look up at him, face blank and carefully neutral. If you started to whine or plead, he'd be convinced you couldn't do it on your own, and that was the last thing you needed.

"I'm almost done." You argue, focused on your arm. You pull it back, holding back a small cry from the pain that shoots through our shoulder at the movement. Raph scowls and crosses his arms, losing his patience quickly.

"You'll need stitches. Leo can do them fast and better than you can on yourself."

"I can handle it. And I don't need stitches, as long as I make sure to keep the wound clean."

Raph taps his foot against the ground, considering this. His eyes were glued to the wound, as if his sight alone would heal it faster. He exhales sharply through his nose when you wince as the peroxide bubbles upon contact with the last two teeth marks.

"It's infected."

"It's a bite." You say calmly, trying to appease his worry. Your own stomach churned at the sight, barely able to focus on the bubbles spilling from your arm. Having this get infected would be awful. Antibiotics were a harder thing to get than basic over the counter medicines. If it got worse, you'd lose your arm, or possibly your life. It wasn't bad now, only slight swelling around the mark, but you'd have to keep an eye on it. "It'll get better if I just keep cleaning it and redressing it. I'll just have to keep an eye on it."

Raph scowls, kicking the floor slightly. "This wouldn't have happened if you didn't insist on fighting me."

You hold your tongue as your lips purse, trying to swallow back words that were determined to spill out of your mouth. It was his decision to bite you, not yours. The argument you couldn't even fully remember was not worth this. Biting you was not a fair reaction to what you had done in your opinion.

Raph continues to grumble and curse under his breath, crossing his arms sourly while he glares down at your shoulder. He grabs the bandage roll off the desk, walking towards you with determination in his eyes. You toss the last cotton ball you used into the trash, not meeting his eyes as he pulls out your arm and starts to strategically wrap the bandage around your shoulder.

The silence between the two of you is loud, his breathing being the only thing heard in the room. He stepped back once the bandage was secure, nodding at his work. "It'll hold. We'll redress it in an hour and see if it needs stitching."

He doesn't let you argue this time.


Words: 915

Posted: 10.08.23

A/N, not important: Only 8 in and I already hate this💀. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.

TMNT Horrortober(31 Yandere TMNT x Reader Oneshots)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon