Day 15 - Hide(Yandere TMNT 2012 Raph)

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CW: Vomit, kidnapping, attempted escape from an abuser, being in a dumpster, bugs, threats, rushed writing

Your hand has a vice grip on your mouth, your breathing shaky and shallow. Every breath you take sends waves of anxiety and fear through your spine, your eyes darting back and forth across the gross dumpster walls. You could hear his angered shouts in the distance, and the awful smell of rotting trash paired with the terror wracking through you made you want to vomit. A part of you wished you picked a better hiding place, but you knew there was nowhere else in the alley you turned down. Not unless you wanted to take a shot at hiding in the sopping cardboard box against the wall, but even the quick glance you gave it spoke wonders. It would have collapsed the moment your fingers brushed the cardboard.

Your crouched position was starting to hurt your back, your knees aching at the position. The dumpster was full when you climbed in, and while most trash was thankfully in bags, you could still feel something wet and slimy moving over your skin. You couldn't even tell if the prickling on your arm was trash brushing against it, or a bug using you as a bridge. More bile pushes itself up your throat, but you desperately swallow it down. You didn't want to be stuck in here with the smell of rancid garbage and stomach acid.

Your eyes stare straight ahead, the darkness penetrated by two small holes in the dumpster. It gave you enough vision to see outside if you leaned close, but you didn't risk it. You didn't want to give anything the chance to see you too.

The night is still, random cars passing by the alleyway giving you some hope. If you just got out and stood by the road, maybe someone would stop? They could take you to the police, or to a hospital, or to anywhere but here. Anywhere that he wasn't. The thought of escaping, of finally being free is so tempting, that you almost get up and try it. Almost.

You body is frozen before you could truly decide, your breathing halted and eyes wide. Raph, silent at ever, had just landed in your alley. Dangerous curiosity trumps your survival instinct, and you lean closer to the holes in the dumpster. His sais were in his hands, the metal glinting off the lamps lining the streets. You could see how heavy he was breathing, his plastron moving in a hypnotizing pattern as if it was trying to coerce you to come out on your own. His eyes were pure white, something you had only seen once before. Last time he looked this serious, he almost put you in a coma.

Your mind tugs at you to move backwards, to hide in the safety of the shadows and silence, but the poison of curiosity has you firmly in its grasp. You watch in fascinated horror as Raph rampages through the alley, kicking over pails and tins while he grunts and curses. He walks further down the alley and you lean to the side, hoping to be able to follow him with your eyes. At the shift, you feel yourself start to slip and once more you're doused with a cold rush of fear. You quickly reach your hands out to steady yourself on the walls of the dumpster, but in replanting your feet, you kick the metal floor harder than intended. You don't even have time to look up before Raph is opening the dumpster, his white eyes green once more.

You couldn't help but feel in awe for just a moment, your mind reeling as you lose your sense of reality. It was like you were looking up at your friend instead of the horror he had become, the hide and chase merely again rather than an attempt to save your life. He, unlike you, doesn't waste time to gawk, his hands curling around your biceps and yanking you out of the metal coffin. You stand there, numb and still in shock of your stupid, preventable mistake. All you had to do was not move. All you had to do was not look. You could've been free, but here you are, back into the arms of a demon.

"You left me." He hisses, his anger boiling over and making him shake. You continue to gape at him, fear paralyzing your body and tongue. Raph doesn't seem to care. He shakes you slightly, your mind starting to work a bit more as your eyes meet the toxic green of his. "You left me."

You don't know what to say, and nothing could possibly help you in this situation. You were stuck. A goldfish in a fishbowl set by a pond. Tears sprout at your eyes as you start to crumple, your knees giving out and forcing Raph to take hold of your weight. He sneers, but says nothing as he picks you up. He parkours up to the roof of the buildings surrounding your alley, anger bubbling just under your skin.

In what feels like less than a second, he jumps down into an alley once more and sets you down. He eyes your pathetic form for a moment before scoffing, moving over to the sewer cover and prying it up. He grabs your ankle and drags you over, ignoring the growing screams and pleads that fall from your lips. He brings you into his arm with slightly more difficulty than before. Your flailing accompanied with his single hand carry was not helping him contain you. He jerks you back so your back hits his chest, making you wheeze from the impact.

"Stop your whining. Whatever happens, it's your fault. I told you not to run, and you didn't listen."

You don't listen, making him grumble with frustration. He ducks down on the ladder and shuts the sewer, plunging you both into near darkness. He doesn't bother keeping you comfortable as he drags you down, letting your limbs hit the cold metal of the ladder rungs. He hits the floor and throws you over his shoulder, his grip on your calf threatening to snap it in two. He ignores your cries of pain and the fists beating against his shell, only marching on towards the prison he calls your home. Whatever awaited you there, you sincerely hoped you'd drop dead before you could find out. You doubted that would ever happen though. Raph would never let that happen. After all, he does love you.


Words: 1080

Posted: 10.15.23

A/N, not important: I'm running on steam and got a bunch of state test in a week and a half✌. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.

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