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Disclaimer-The characters in this story does not belong to me. Almost all of the characters except OC's belong to KISHIMOTO the owner of Naruto.

A/n - The content taken from NXSE has been exhausted. It's all original from here on out, the fanfiction atleast.

Time skip - The day of the battle

It has been a week now Ever since Naruto and his team has made it to the land of waves and ever since they had fought Zabuza and now the day had finally come for them to show what they have learned in the past week.

'Zzzz Zzzz Zzzz' The sound of Naruto snoring rang through the entire room as Kakashi who was standing nearby trying and failing to wake up Naruto sweatdroped.

*Sigh* " At this rate we will not make it to the bridge before evening. Now I think I should not have thought him that Jutsu." Murmured Kakashi before another sigh escaped his covered mouth.

As it turns out Naruto has managed to learn the Soushuriken no Jutsu [Shuriken Manipulation Technique] and had stayed up till a couple of hours after midnight, trying to master it.

' We will just have to go without him I guess and it might even prove out to be useful in case gato sends someone after Tazuna's family ' Was Kakashi's final thought before he went ahead to meet his team and Tazuna who were waiting for him and Naruto outside.

About an Hour later
Tazuna's house

"LEAVE HER ALONE YOU BASTARDS" was the shout that rang through the house loud enough to jolt Naruto awake from his deep sleep.

'What the f' were his only thoughts as he went downstairs only to see the sight of two thugs standing at the main entrance to the house one out of whom had his sword ready to slice Inari who was trying to protect his tied up and helpless mother from the thugs.

" DIE " shouted the thug with the sword before trying to slash Inari in half. But instead of the sound of metal hitting flesh as he expected to hear the sound of metal hitting metal rang out through the room accompanied with a loud shout of NO from Tsunami.

A few Minutes ago
Tazuna's house

Inari had been minding his own business sitting on his bed contemplating about what that blond guy had said earlier. He had seen the guy train for a few minutes during the night time and he wanted to know why the guy was trying so hard to-

Inari's thought's were cut off as he heard the sound of his mother and two other guys talking loudly coming from the kitchen but as he ran out to see what was happening before stopping in his tracks after see two thugs standing in front of his mom one of whom was trying to drag her using the rope they had tied her up with.

Inari was frozen in shock and fear he did not know what to do, his grandfather and those ninja's that he hired to protect himself were not at home right now, his mother was tied up and the only person that could do something was..... him? what could he do he was just a little kid after all and those two thugs were massive in size compared to him. He would be squashed like a bug if he stood up to them. What should he do he was so confused right now.

'Protect your mother'

Huh? What was that?

'Protect your mother, Inari'

That voice...he will recognise it anywhere....those were his father's last words....his last wish that he wanted Inari to fullfill.

'I...I will, father...'

He remembered promising his father that he will always protect his mother and will never let any harm come to his loved ones.

'I will do my best father' thought Inari before picking up a knife from the kitchen counter and charging straight toward the thug.

"LEAVE HER ALONE YOU BASTARDS" screamed Inari as he tried to slash the knife at the thug but to his shock the thug managed to dodge his attack and took out his sword to slash at Inari who was once again frozen in fear.

"INARI NOO GET OUT OF HERE" his mother's shout seemed to jolt him out of his fear and his legs screamed at him to run and yet he didn't. He won't, he won't run today. Today he will stand in the face of the danger that dared to befall his family. Today he will uphold the legacy of his father even if it meant death.

"DIE" was the only thing the thug shouted before slashing his sword at Ianri who on instict closed his eyes waiting to feel the pain he knew was sure to come and yet it didn't and the only thing he felt was the sound of metal ringing close to his ear along with his mother's shou of No.

As Inari heard the sound he opened his eyes slowly and for a second he saw the silhouette of his father standing it front of him before that figure disappeared to show the blond ninja guy that his grandpa hired.

Back to present
Tazuna's House

After protect Inari, Naruto has proceded to knock out both of the thugs with relative ease and was now freeing Tsunami from her rope bindings.

"There you go" said Naruto after cutting the rope using the knife that he had taken from Inari.

"Thank you so much, Naruto-san" was the reply he got from her along with a bow of gratitude that he reciprocated while while stating his actions as what anyone would have done in his place.

He talked to Tsunami a bit more to make sure that she was not injured before switching his attention to Inari and giving him a big bright grin.

"You did very good Inari, It takes a lot of courage for someone so young to be able to standup to big and scary thugs." Naruto praised Inari.

"I was just trying to protect my mother." Said Inari a bit embarrassed at being praised.

" And that is commendable, Inari" replied Naruto with an easy going grin.

"Now I have to go help my teammates at the bridge, may I trust you to keep an eye on them Inari?" Asked Naruto with his thumb point behind his back where the two thugs were bound unconscious to a tree.

"You can count on me" Said Inari with a grin matching that of Naruto's.

"I will" said Naruto before taking of towards the tree line, jumping from one tree to another with a single thought on his mind.

'I a getting a bad feeling about this, please be alright guys.'



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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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