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Disclaimer-This story idea or characters does not belong to me the story idea belongs to NXSE on fanfiction.net and the characters belong to KISHIMOTO the owner of Naruto.

(Timeskip - Five Years Later)

Five years had passed since the Uchiha massacre, and things had been going on pretty smoothly for our favorite blonde hero. Today was the day of the graduation exams, and Naruto started reminiscing about all that had happened over the past five years. He and Satsuki had gotten even closer than before, but she had become a lot colder to virtually everyone who wasn't Naruto ever since the massacre. She had the same icy attitude towards everyone, even the teachers and her psychologist, everyone except him. Now, It wasn't like things were all Gung-Ho ( A/N - I don't know what that means but it sounds funny so thank you orignal author) for Naruto, since to him too, Satsuki was a bit colder than before, but she was only spending her free time with him and mostly spent her leisurely time training, and Naruto had gotten used to her new persona over the months.

Satsuki was unyielding when it came to maintaining her spot at the top of the class, and Naruto was almost certain that she was likely going to be named the rookie, as well as the kunoichi of his graduating year. Naruto was happy for her, since he was the only one who knew how hard she trained and studied to achieve it, but was saddened by the fact that she was still fixated on getting her revenge. She saw everyone except him as a burden to her, an obstacle getting in her way of obtaining revenge. She wasn't harboring any hatred or dislike towards anyone after his talk, but she didn't exactly care if someone lived or died besides him.

Satsuki had spent the entire month after that night at Naruto's apartment, and it had helped her recuperate from the events of the massacre really quickly. She had gotten adjusted to staying at her home again, after a few forceful nudges from Hiruzen, but she still dropped by occasionally to his house, unannounced, and spent the night as he had asked Hiruzen for a spare key in case she needed to stay there, and he wasn't there or awake to open the apartment for her. But she had somehow festered a new, annoying habit of scaring him by coming into his room real early in the morning to wake him up.

To anyone else, it might sound endearing, but she always came in real quiet and then yelled wake up or threw a glass of water at him. He had, many times, chased her off with a kunai in a sleepy rage but she always managed to escape him - her sadistic, evil side was the only thing about the girl that irritated Naruto to no ends.

She had beaten him constantly during their spars due to his less than desired proficiency at the Academy's style of Taijutsu. Everyone had laughed at Naruto, and aptly called him a loser, but he paid it no mind. Though, it still hurt him that he couldn't use his father's style in the Academy's spars and knock Kiba's smug face in with the fabled hummingbird Taijutsu style. He had learnt nearly all of the basic katas, and had even managed to master his Sharingan to a really high degree.

Naruto's pride and joy, however, was when he had created a jutsu that solely was based on shurikenjutsu - technique that him and Itachi had devised all those years ago. He took extra precaution not to let Satsuki ever come to know of the latter fact, lest threaten himself to be castrated at her hands. It required the user to have a great mastery over the Sharingan to even attempt it safely, since normal eyes couldn't quite see and calculate the trajectories of multiple blades being bound and simultaneously manipulated by ninja wires to wrap the opponent in a cocoon of wires and immobilize them for a nice old, killer finishing jutsu.

It wasn't like he had created it, Itachi had given him an ancient scroll from the Uchiha archives once to see if he could recreate it, and Naruto had done it - so it was his now.

It's creators had once named it the 'Sharingan Windmill Triple Attack', and Naruto hadn't bother to think up a new name for it. Naruto's mastery mastery over seals had progressed as well, and he was proud to say that he was now a level 5 master, and nearly everyone who knew his skills as a seal master were surprised at his progress - but they were few and far between. Naruto had inherited the natural skills of sealing, and using battle seals came to him almost naturally, just like his father once had.

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