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Disclaimer-This story idea or characters does not belong to me the story idea belongs to NXSE on and the characters belong to KISHIMOTO the owner of Naruto.

Konohagakure no sato

Next Morning

Konoha Hospital

Naruto opened his eyes groggily, and found himself covered head to toe in bandages. The events of last night rushed back to his mind, and the boy couldn't help but wince from his memories. He had known for sure that he was going to die. But alas, he remembered his grandfather figure coming to his rescue, and taking him to the hospital in his arms right after saving him. He smiled stupidly as he thought of the man who was essentially his grandfather - he really was a kind, old man. Suddenly, the door to his room opened, and a nurse walked in with a clipboard and looked at him, obviously surprised to see him awake.

"Ah! You're awake already?!" she squealed happily. "How do you feel?!" she asked him. Naruto tried to move his arms around to flex out his muscles, and smiled at her. The nurse, seeing him move so freely after such injuries, was surprised at the unreal rate he was healing with. Hiruzen had only chosen his personally selected staff of medics for Naruto's care. He had only selected those few who didn't resent the kid, and those who did had been threatened to be trialed on grounds of treason should they attempt to do anything wrong with the child - the latter order had quickly shut off any weird ideas from blooming in their minds.

"Can you undo the bandages?" Naruto requested softly, "It's starting to irritate my skin…" he mumbled, embarrassed. The nurse giggled at his awkwardness, and nodded before unwrapping his bandages only to blink on seeing him healed up completely on the inside. Naruto, oblivious to her staring, thanked her and she smiled at him before ruffling his hair.

They were so soft!

"I'll go and tell Hokage-sama that you are awake." the nurse told him, "He told us to inform him as soon as you wake up, he really cares for you little one! Now, I'll go and bring you some breakfast too - I'm sure you're starving." she said knowingly. Naruto had the decency to smile sheepishly at her actute assumption and she laughed as she walked out.

At the Hokage Office

Hiruzen sat in his office, furious beyond belief at the handiwork of those orphanage workers. Ibiki had just handed over his detailed report, and the man had managed to crack out nearly everything out of every possibly suspect overnight while Hiruzen had already had them executed, and their bodies burnt for treason to their village before even the crack of dawn.

Hiruzen was presently waiting for Hiashi to speak with him on the matter. Last night, apparently, the Hyuga heiress had been attempted to be abducted from her house. Hiashi had killed the abductor in defense of his daughter, even more so to save the unsealed Byakugan from falling into enemy hands. He was waiting for the man to speak to him about last night's attack on Naruto, and if he had anything to do with it. They had already discussed the events of the attempted kidnapping last night due to the emergency meeting called by Hiashi Hyuga himself. Hiruzen was broken out of his thoughts as Hiashi walked in.

Hiruzen motioned him to a chair, "Have a seat, Hiashi." he offered kindly.

Hiashi nodded, "You summoned me, Hokage-sama?" he asked curtly.

Hiruzen nodded, "Indeed I did. Last night, there was an attack on young Naruto's life from three members of your clan. I arrived just in time to save his life, but he was badly injured." Hiruzen flatly stated, and Hiashi was shocked to the core that they would do such a foolish thing and disgrace the Hyuga name - all for what - a demon brat?!

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